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NQR - Things I have learned the last week or so

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Never take your health for granted, you never know what surprises might come your way.

Listen to your body. If it is telling you something is not right, it probably isn't.

Make sure your husband and children know how much you love them.

Don't drive yourself home from sewing club when you are dizzy and having symptoms of a stroke, especially if it is a 35 minute drive.

Make sure if you have customer quilts in your studio, you have them labeled somehow with customer name and phone number in case something happens to you . That was one of my worries in the ambulance, what if I can't speak and no one knows who those quilts belong to.

Remember to take time to enjoy life, sit outside and watch a sunset, have lunch with a friend, take a nap if you feel like it, have that ice cream or latte, or ? whatever gives you joy.

Cherish your friends. They are so important.

Have a good group of prayer warriors. I am convinced they are the reason I am okay, a little cloudy on some days, but that will pass in time.

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Dear friend--I wish I was close enough to give you a big hug and sit and hold your hand. I'm so sorry to hear of your stroke. You always do so much for others and now you need to let them take care of you. Prayers and hopes for a full recover coming your way. Hope to see you soon. Much love--Linda

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the info you give is so true, and thank you. I'm very sorry for your scare and health issues..and of course I'll be glad to say prayers for you and yours with peace while you continue to heal.

labeling the quilts with name, phone, email and address is soo important.

Maybe we could add a label with the info of whom the quilt belongs, with name. phone, email addy, snail mail addy, and date it is due and make it in duplicate and when a copy for the quilt is needed make the one label for the quilt and one for records, also containing the date to be finished.

Gods healing hand is carrying you right now. You will have peace while you continue to heal.

Hugs, God Bless

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Great advice...........sometimes we tend to think "it won't happen to me", but it can. My DH is leaving tomorrow for a 4 day hunting trip and I have been giving the spouses of everyone the hunting group emergency contacts - just in case. I sent it to my kids, too, in case they need to reach their Dad for ME. We just never know !

Hope you recover fully and thanks for the great advice.

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Wonderful words of advise and I am glad to know that you must be doing well to have written those wise words of wisdom. Your guardian angel was on duty as you were driving home that day!! I will pray for a complete recovery. Now...remember to follow your own advise and take time for yourself and enjoy each day to its fullest!!

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Guest Linda S

Oh Bekah! I'm so glad you're okay, but what a scare. You're right. We all need to stop and smell the roses, and I'm off to make sure all the quilts are labeled right now, just in case!

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