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Second surgery update


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Update: Had my surgery yesterday. Surgeon was wrong about the 15 minutes, but it's over and I'm very happy about that. Two major surgeries in two weeks is difficult. I know all of your prayers helped immensly. I am really sore and tired today. My daughter and her man are here hovering and caring for me. My son is here today also. My husband is ALWAYS by my side.

My only plans this week are to have my DD help me gather up some fabric and supplies to take to one my GD on her way home. The poor girl just tried to make a quilt and it turned out wrong then someone told her she needed to wash the top so it wouldn't shrink so she threw it in the wash before it had the borders or binding. Yup, it's a gnarled up mess. Unsavable. She was devastated. I told her to throw it in the garbage and the fabric fairy would see her on Friday. She cut all her strips for one of those fast strip quilts using a pencil to draw lines and sissors to cut. I know we all started out like that, but I'm sending her mats, rulers, and rotary cutter along with a big box of fabric. Want her to be a quilter. I love turning my grandchildren into quilters.

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Oma, We love ya and you will definately be in my prayers. So much to go through in 2 weeks time. I am glad the surgeries are in the past and you can concentrate on healing. Rest, take care of yourself and be sure to get in plenty of "Me" time. You are really lucky to have such a caring family. I will pray for them also. It can't be easy on them seeing you go through all of this. Hang in there.

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Get some rest, got for short walks, drink lots of water to clear the anesthesia out of your system. It is wonderful, though, that you are playing fabric fairy -- a new quilter in the making is exciting.

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Oma, thanks for the update. Rest, rest, and more rest. It'll make a difference next week! I can hardly wait until my granddaughters are old enough to handle a rotary cutter. I told them they had to be 35 before they could use mine! Then their mother reminded me how old SHE was. Well, I guess when they are 12 IF they have proven to be careful. I shudder to think of the accidents that could happen.

We're glad you are done with surgery and on the road to healing. Making future plans is good. Keeps your mind active and flourishing. God bless you!

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I have made quilts with three other granddaughters and one of my grandsons. I'm going to end up with quite a few quilters. Three others are too small yet, but give me time. I love sewing with them.

I make myself get up and move around about every hour so I don't get pneumonia or throw a clot or some other medical issue from just laying around. I remember long ago when I was suffering from pretty severe morning sickness my Mom would say "get up and move around a little bit and you'll feel better". I can't start to explain how that comment would make me feel. If looks could have killed......and now what do I do....I get up and move around a little bit and she was right...it makes me feel better.

I've been resting and eating chicken soup my DD made using orzo. A first for me, but still very good. My throat is still pretty sore from having the tube in during surgery, but way better than last time for sure. I'm curled up under one of my quilts and we're watching tv and I've been dozing on and off. I read some of your well wishes to my DD and she was very touched by all of your loving thoughts. I thank each and every one of you and your thoughts and prayers have helped me more than you'll every know.

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Oma, so glad to hear that you have this surgery behind you! I'll pray for fast healing for you. Your family sounds wonderful and so supportive. Rest easy and let them care for you while you're recovering.

Let us know how your granddaughter liked her box of goodies! I bet she'll be thrilled. What a great grandmother you are!

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