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Be careful what you think about...

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I'll start this by telling you that my husband came down with the flu last Sunday.  He was sick for five days.  He kept saying it was a little "GI upset" thing.  I didn't believe him.  Well, yesterday it hit me.  Trust me...it's the FLU!  Full bore headache, fever, chills, rumbly stomach and what normally goes with that.  Anyway, I was laying in bed last night...running a very high fever complete with chills, etc...feeling horrible and was mentally re-doing my back yard. I know...it was weird. I was thinking I always wanted to take out one of my trees because it makes such a big mess every spring and fall because it's an ornamental cherry tree so you don't actually get fruit you get tons of blossoms so your yard looks like it's been snowed on for a few weeks which the dog tracks in with every trip out to potty and the "cherries" fall on the patio and squish and stain it and the birds eat the "cherries" and poop purple stuff all over my patio furniture...yadda, yadda...and in the fall it drops leaves for months it seems...just making a horrible mess.  I don't know where it gets all the leaves, but they'll be 4 inches deep on my patio...anyway...about 3 am we heard a big "THUD". Both of us sat straight up in bed. We got up to see what the noise was since we knew it couldn't be Santa landing on the roof top and when I stood up I got dizzy and decided I didn't really care so I crawled back into bed. Mike looked around and said he thought a branch fell off the tree. Strange since I don't think it was windy. We decided we would investigate in the morning. I can't believe I was mentally removing that tree then it fell over. AACCCKKKK!!!!





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Since it didn't damage anything else (house, fence, windows, etc.) the insurance won't pay to have it removed.  I never knew that...silly insurance.  Plus it's $500 deductible.  It fell over in the most perfect way and didn't damage one other thing and there was quite a bit of stuff it could have damaged.  My husband and I looked at it and thought we could clean it up, but it would take us a week.  We called a tree removal company and they wanted $650 and I said "no way" then our gardener said he'd remove it and clean up for $280 and I thought "good deal".  It's still a lot of money, but considering how both of us have felt this week it will be money well spent.


I've always wanted that tree out, but never enough to pay what they wanted to remove it.  I wanted a pretty Japanese Red Maple about ten feet down from where that one was.  I guess I'm getting a maple...lol. 

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Oh Sylvia, I only wish my quilts would quilt themselves.  Lord knows I've lain in bed and dreamed of quilting them enough times. 


I am feeling so much better today.  I'm actually thinking of getting some fabric for the back of my OHO quilt.  I think I will take DH to breakfast then see how I feel. 


Valerie, I love that little elephant too.  I have a bunch of elephants.  I got a huge picture of some elephants to put in our family room 16 years ago and people assumed I loved elephants and started gifting them to me.  I had no idea there were so many elephant things in the world.  Goodness.


Dell, I haven't been especially good at picking lottery numbers, but I did hit a BIG, I mean REALLY BIG, Wheel of Fortune Progressive Jackpot playing a slot machine in Tahoe in 2007.  And for those who are wondering how big...$1,294,854.62.  Yup...that's one point 3 million dollars.  So I was a millionaire on paper, but in reality we just went back to being a dual income family again.  I took it in 20 year payments so I would have a retirement.  That was pretty incredible. 


And for all the rest of you wanted trees knocked down...remember...I may have knocked the tree down, but I didn't manage to get it all cleaned up without additional expense.  Are you sure you want the mess?  That was the point of the message...be careful what you think about...God may give it to you, but it may not be in the way you thought...LOL :D

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Oma, you must be so relieved that tree didn't fall on your house!! Glad you are okay (and feeling better).


Just wanted to share with you that I have actually RIDDEN a real live big elephant before. Up north there is a wild animal park ... maybe Marine World?? I don't remember as the kids were only about 8 or 9 back then. Anyway, they had elephant rides. Let me tell you, those elephants are BIG and TALL. And if I had known back then how dangerous they really are, there's no way I'd have ridden the darn thing! 


Congrats on that jackpot, lucky lady!

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Marsha, I wish I felt well enough to do anything with that tree.  I would even chip it and put it in the flowerbeds.  I thought I was on the mend yesterday, but it was one of my worse days and today is only marginally better.  Mostly headache, nausea and dizziness now.  Maybe tomorrow.  It took DH 5 or 6 days and I'm only on day 4.  Bah humbug! 


Thanks, Bonnie...I felt very lucky with my jackpot.   I was griping to God one time about not having any retirement after a long time as a nurse (because as many of you older nurses know...they didn't offer us retirement until almost the 90's and I was still doing registry nursing then).  So when I got hurt I didn't have enough time in to have much money at all.  Work Comp settled after 8 years for about 1½ years salary.  I had asked God the night before to just end the WC stuff and let my life go back to somewhat normal and I wouldn't gripe even if I didn't get a penny.  The next day it ended.  On the drive home I started griping that after over 25 years as a nurse I didn't have any retirement and I remember my promise to God so I said I was sorry and continued on home.  For some reason that night I decided to take a road trip and picked Lake Tahoe.  My husband and I are not gamblers and we hadn't been to Lake Tahoe in over 15 years, but off we went.  The next morning on our way to breakfast I stopped and put a ticket in a $5 Wheel of Fortune machine.  I have no idea why.  I had never played a $5 machine before...I don't even play the $1 machines.  My husband said "Oma...that's a $5 machine".  To which I replied, "Well, I'm only going to play it once".  And it hit!  After I quit saying "Holy shit!" I looked at him and said "God, just gave me my retirement."  That's why I took it in 20 year payments.  Still seems surreal. 


I've taken two of the grandkids to ride on the elephants before, but I've never personally done it.  They are huge!    

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