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Well, funny how things work out.  A week ago I was ready to throw in the towel, tired, wore out, depressed at yet another move.  Through a nice member of this forum I found an equally nice buyer for my beloved Freedom, so now I don't have to move it.  What a relief.  After talking to the wonderful Dawn and Mark at APQS I will take possession of a fabulous 2012 FREEDOM with motorized advance, bliss, hydraulic lift, thread sensor, etc etc....sometime late June early july, once I am in my new home and replaced the carpet with laminate or smooth flooring.  I am soooo excited.


Thanks a million for all your encouragement, kind words and good thoughts.  You are all AWESOME and APQS is the BEST!!!





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So glad this all worked out for you and Nadine. I just spent the afternoon with her and she is so excited to be giving your machine a new home. I also heard about their adventure getting to your place and the stop at the quilt shop and getting lost a few times!

Good luck with your move and I'm just sorry I never got the chance to meet you while you were in Saskatchewan.

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