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A first for me

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Today I was hired to quilt a small quilt for . . . a grand dog. This lady has no grandchildren, but she has a granddog, and she made him a ninepatch using adorable doggy fabric. She asked for double batting because he will probably chew on it. Because it was small, I went ahead and quilted it. I used King Tut thread, against my better judgement, knowing that this dog will probably destroy the quilt.

I smiled through the whole job. The whole situation just tickled me.

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I happen to be very proud of my three Grand-puppies and my step-grand-puppy!!! However, I haven\'t made them any quilts as yet.

When my first grandpuppy left home, I cired so much my DH was going to buy me one of my own!!! (Against his better judgement) I have very strict visitation rights as well - I can visit whenever I want to. It is a family joke that I was happy to pack up the children\'s gear and help them move, but that I was devastated when the puppies left home. :P;)

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I have grandpups, too! I haven\'t met one of them yet, but I do talk to her on the phone when I call. The other one goes looking for me when my GS & GD ask her where Grandma is. When I go to visit I call when I get close and they tell her Grandma\'s coming and she goes to the door or wants outside so she can sit at the gate and see down the driveway when I pull up. Then she sleeps with me the whole time I\'m there! She\'s such a good Grandpup!

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If the customer paid for your work then it does not really matter if the dog destroys the quilt.

I am planning on making some quilts for my dogs..............yep they might destroy them but I have tons of batting scraps and also fabrics I am not overly fond of as well. They will sure appreciate the soft place to nap for sure.

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O.K. - how about a dog quilt with the flappy ears?!? You could even put

some squeaker toy thingy in there someplace!

I made a wall hanging for my former boss all out of flannel with different

doggy faces and free flaping ears. That one had buttons on for eyes, but

not a good idea if it were a chew toy, would have to be embrodiery. I did

program an embrodiery for the mouth and a few whiskers. She loved it!

It is on the cover of some quilt book, but I just made my own pattern, easy!

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That cute doggy quilt with the floppy ears mentioned is on the cover of a book by Sandy Bonsib. I made too in flannel and it\'s a real cutie. As we get older dogs are extra special in our lives because our children are mostly gone. They bring us so much love, laughter, and joy I see no problem in making them a quilt. When I brought home a new doggy bed my little Chihuahua about blew his cork he was so excited. I wondered how he knew it was for him when I hadn\'t even put it on the floor. I wouldn\'t feel at all funny about quilting for a dig they are actually nicer than some people. I have a grand dog too and her pictures is on the mantle with all of the people. Grand dogs are often training wheels for grand children so treat them with utter love.

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I made a grand-dog quilt with that adorable dog fabric for Lucy Lee last year when she came to live with DD and SIL at Ft. Lee, VA - brought it with me my first visit. I presented it to Lucy, smoothed it out on the sofa, and she knew immediately it was for her, I made it for her, and it was special. Not sure how they know these things, but the connection was immediate and amazing! Lucy is now staying with us while DD and SIL are posted in South Korea. I could not talk them into leaving their new baby boy with us for the 2 years (imagine that!). We\'ll be shipping Lucy to them soon, as they miss her! We will, too.

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My quilting group made a doggie quilt as well. One of the ladies in our group was undergoing cancer treatment. We made her a quilt in her favorite colors and she loved it. Nearly two years later, she was still going through treatment. Her husband bought her a little doggie to help her through the treatments. Our group decided her new doggie companion needed a doggie quilt as well. It was all doggie fabrics, turned out really cute and was a great pick-me-up for our quilting member!

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Oh I feel so much better knowing there are all kinds of sweet people out there who quilt for their animals. I have two little dogs and they each have their own special quilt and each year a make a special cat quilt for two very special kitties. Last year I even took two pictures of the cats and incorporated them into the quilt.


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My husband asked me last year to make a little dog quilt for the small dog house he made for the front porch. It\'s Jake\'s winter home. He also has a large igloo type doghouse out by the garage with a cedar filled bed, fake sheepskin cover that extends up the walls so he doesn\'t have to lean against that cold plastic. I had made just a quickie little quilt from fuzzy, green upholstery fabric with 3 layers of batting and just hand tacked it all together (no binding). DH now thinks Jake needs another sheepskin bed that can be filled with cedar shavings for his "little" house. He even went to the trouble of measuring the dog house yesterday in case I go to Springfield this week.

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<font color=#653E90><B>If anyone is interested in making and quilting small to medium quilts to practice on call your local humane society aboud needs. Here in the Portland, Oregon area there have been several requests from animal rescue organizations.</B></font>


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Our little quilting group at church was gifted with a bunch(! )of upholstery samples. While the samples were not suitable for our quiltmaking needs, I found that they made excellent scrappy patchwork style doggie & kitty "quilts". The fabric is tougher than quilting cotton more like a comfy couch feel. The dogs loved them. They also make a stylish fitted crate cover to keep out the winter chill.

Pat Kk

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Wow, that must be so much fun.

If anyone is planning to make a dog quilt, then take a look at the free dog pattern (repeatable) on page:


I would love to have a photo of a quilt with this dachshund design used. So if you like the design, download it and send me a picture of it.

I\'d be forever grateful!!


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Ha-Ha! My cat (my helper) is the proud owner of his very own quilt. It\'s a cute pieced quilt with kitty fabric that looks like him and has a flannel back. He loves his quilt.

The dogs are outdoor dogs so they just get muslin front and back that I put on the machine and let my 10 year old daughter practice. I use poly batt (usually leaft over pieces) and let her rip. Then I serge the edges and give they to the dogs. They love them and they wash well.

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