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Update on us

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I know I've been absent off and on, several have emailed to check on me. Things have been rough here, I have to admit. Son and his wife and kids are living with us; he hasn't been able to find a job since he graduated. That was rough and stressful enough already. Then husband found out Friday night that he is among the 80 people being layed off from the factory where he works. Several of the big factories here are laying off entire 2nd and 3rd shifts due to the economy being so messed up.

I listed my machine for sale, trying to come up with money to pay bills and car repairs. The machine has not sold so I'm still using it until it does. My one customer had a couple more quilts ready so she sent those with me. They are only .01/sq inch, but it will be a little extra money.

Thanks to all of you who have sent emails and cards in the mail. You truly are my best friends. I'm sorry I haven't been more chatty lately, but stress makes me grouchy and sick. I will try to check in more often.

Congrats to everybody who has done so well lately. I have seen some very beautiful quilts.

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I am so sorry that you husband got laid off Fridday from his factory. My son got laid off today from his as well. they cut 30% which is about one shift and he has only had the job about 45 to 60 days. Hopefully, something will come up for him and your husband. we are feeling it in SC at the plants as well. Another big plant shut down 2 shifts a few weeks ago. Maybe you will need to keep your machine for income and the chickens too for egg money. I believe it will get better but probably not until after elections when people stocks and such settle down a little. Remember God is in control and will provide. Good luck with you machine. Jeanne

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Really glad to hear that you're alright. I know things aren't going the greatest right now, God will take care of you. I always hold that "God takes care of fools like me" and he usually does. I'm out of work right now and I'm using the time to see if I can come up with something that (for once) I'd really like to do

Please try to keep a positive attitude and stay in touch. We miss you!


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I am so glad I decided to read this forum before shutting it down for the night. I have wondered about you and your family and the troubles you are having. Please know your family is in our prayers. Have been in your shoes and it is stressful, etc. Just a note....when things have been bad in our family and we could not understand why things were this way, there was a light at the end. We have been able to look back and realize that really good things came from the situation. Such as, my husband losing one job and another one much better came along. I know it is difficult to look at it like that now, but when God closes a door he opens another one. Bless your family in this time of difficulty


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When I'm stressed and things are tight, one thought that keeps me going is that no matter how tough things get for me, there's always someone else worse off than me. AND when I feel down and out about not being able to afford something, I just remember that God blessed me with what I need--and even if I had everything, I'd probably want more. I count my blessings and remain content.

I don't know how that sounded--but it is supposed to be encouraging. Teresa, I sincerely hope and pray God will bless you with a fulfilling life no matter where you are or what you're doing. I've seen a lot of talent in your quilts and your website. This may just be a lull before the next big step.

Keep in touch and I encourage you, too, to not let the stress get to you.

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Dear Teresa, I think about you every day. Sometimes in life things change and we have to find ways to change with it in order to survive. I know you and your family will find ways and like someone said above, there is always a silver lining in every cloud. Keep that thought constant and appreciate all you do have, which is the blessing of love and family. :) Many of us are very far away from Finley, TN, but if there is anything we can do to help, you ask us and we will see what we can do.

On a personal note, my DH and I know that this coming winter where I live it will get tough for lots of folks trying to heat their homes with the expensive fuel oil we all use in interior AK. Ten years ago, fuel oil was less than $1.00 per gallon. Now it's over $5.00 per gallon. There are going to be lots of folks hurting and won't be able to afford to heat their homes where during winter months in interior AK, subzero temps are a constant. It's pretty scary with the uncertain economy, even up here in AK where we are all feeling the effects of the economy.

There's a lot of talk about starting construction on the natural gas pipeline, but that construction surely won't start for at least 5 more years, I guess. Then we can all use natural gas. Until then, we are using expensive heating oil that will continue to rise higher and higher per gallon. We're holding on tight, bracing for the worst, and know that somehow we will find our way through it and survive.

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Teresa, my prayers are with you. If you need anything please bring it to the forum. If your machine doesn't sell it may be due to a higher powers intention. Things around here are rough also, our Ford plant shut down and the Navy is cutting back on manpower (even with the war) and outside contracts. The main factory in my son's town (Hershey) is cutting back and may close, they built a plant in Mexico.

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Teresa I'm so sorry things are so rough for you right now..the Lord has a lot of trust in you to let you weather these storms.. it shall end.. and you will be stronger than before. Prayers will go up for sure.

Come chat when you can, we miss you.


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Starting in 2003, I ended up getting laid off three times in two years. It was very scary since I am my sole income. When I tell you that I understand, I understand.

I will tell you this, apply for unemployment immediately and that things have a very funny way of working out in ways you cannot possibly foresee.

One weekend I was so depressed that I honestly started to think that I was unemployable. Shortly after, I snagged a contracting position that led to a full time job. On occasion, when I am driving into work, thinking how much I would rather be home, I remind myself to be very, very thankful that I currently have a job to go to.

I am in Michigan and you know how great our economy currently is. The condo complex I live in has many units for sale, some in foreclosure. Nothing is moving in Michigan. Several of my neighbors are talking about just giving the keys to the bank and walking away.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

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My heart and prayers go out to you. I was layed off last December. Over 200 people were layed off at the coal burning plant I worked at, where I opperated heavy equipment. I knew it was coming and I braced myself for it... tucked away a few bucks, and did the unemployment thing... then I invested in a business opportunity (a franchise) and I feel very lucky because it is doing very well! It's like, when one window shuts, another one opens!!! Let's pray this bump in the road brings a better opportunity to you and yours! I am in Minnesota, and the economy is horrible all over... our neighbors have had their house on the market for almost 2 years now! Things will turn around, they always do... so we all just hurry up and wait!

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As I read this thread, I feel so lucky that we are employed and our children are employed. Tough times have hit all of us at one time or another and sometimes it is so hard to keep our chins up and have faith that a new door will open, but it always seems to. My prayers are will all of you that are going through difficult times now. Hang in there and know how many people on this site are praying for you.

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Teresa, my prayers join the rest here. Please know that we all care very much and you are not alone. Please continue to post, after all we are all family whether we are quilting or not. I just have to tell you that if your machine hasn't sold perhaps there is reason that you just haven't seen yet. You are such a talented lady and there are more ways than quilting for other people to make money with your machine and your talent. Just a thought to toss your way. Keep your faith and tell you DH that he is in our prayers along with everyone else losing their jobs.

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Thanks everybody for your concern. I'm sorry if it sounded like I was whining or making your problems seem less than they are. That wasn't my intention. I just wanted everybody to know where I had disappeared to and (okay, I'll admit it) I needed some shoulders to cry on. Y'all are the best for that.

i love you all :_ (

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