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New Years/30's Blocks THANK YOU'S!!!!


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Unfortunately, as usual, I've gotten myself involved in so many things (block of the month and Jo Morton club) that I'm behind on everything. I wouldn't have time to make all the beautiful blocks that I've seen if I wanted to. My blocks will probably be the last ones everyone gets. I've also got the quilt from H... on my machine (I made it the quilt from H.... Instead of just doing an E2E, I had to turn it into custom. It's teaching me a lot but that's another story.)

I'll stop whining now and go to work (The real job not the fun quilting one.... DARN....Opps, I said I'd stop whining SORRY) :):):)

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To those who have my name---BEV HOGAN

Somewhere the address is printed wrong, which might have something to do with my not getting blocks that have been mailed. I got a U2U from Susan Ramsey, thank you Susan, by the way. She wanted to check my address before mailing my block. It's 5254 NE 22nd Ave, Portland, Or, 97211 ---NOT NE 2ND

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Bonnie, Jeanne, and Bev! Me feels left out toooooo.... Only four to date - But I do RUN to the PO everyday with great hope!

My hope is that all you girls who haven't started yet will get the "bug" for getting them done!!! I LOVE what this quilt will look like! Can't wait!

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you have plenty of time to get these done. Don't stress yet. It doesn't matter if they are the last ones we get, as long as we get them. LOL

Send pictures of the quilt from H***.. Can't wait to see it. I''ll be you're doing a fabulous job on it.

Oh, whining is okay:P. I do it all the time.

Love YA!

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Hi Roberta

I will let you know, but I don't think I will be getting any mail service until at least next week and that is only if we do not get any more rain as predicted.

Since last Monday the only way to my letter box for the postie was by boat. To give you an idea of our flooding situation, since the 1st January we have had more than 75 inches of rain with half of that falling in the first 8 days of February.

Still not as bad as the bushfires in Victoria

Cheers for now


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Hi I got a block today from Sylvia in MS.

Our post office is actually pretty good. I got it LOL. I like it a lot Sylvia! And I'm so happy it made it to me.

My son is amazed and said well those zipcodes are great...Everyone has my zipcode right...so I think eventually I'll get most.

Thank you very much Sylvia!

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Bev Hogan you are on my list and i'm correcting your address. Is there anyone who wants to send me a message with a corrected name or address please? I'll be mailing mine very soon. I've got to decide which are mailers...LOL don't ask how many blocks I've made now. Oh this block looks better...NO wait I really like this one...So when none of the blocks you get match the ones your friends got don't be shocked.

Also please let me know if your state , name , address or anything is wrong...

I didn't even bother to look for mine...For example, when Sylvia put Elizabeth in ILLinois if you look over to left you will notice I'm not there. And if anyone would like my real name I think it's in my profile. But I do notice with correct zip code we get them...sometimes later than earlier. I'm sorry Sylvia...I didn't know you were speaking to me.

Also, I don't think my U2U go anywhere. I have sent a couple out...I don't think they were received...

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Hey, Liz 7025! I am delighted you got my block! Isn't it fun to go to get the post and one is there? Sorry for the confusion but I am glad the zip was correct if nothing else was! I think I even had your name spelled wrong, didn't I? Someone said you had sickness in your family so I hope all is well by now. I have learned if you have Jesus and your health; you have everything!

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OH WOW I must have brought in Saturdays mail???? I really don't know LOL. But my son just brought in more mail!!!

I GOT ANOTHER BLOCK! TY Ty ty ty Trish. Ok , so I realize it was a short trip from you to me...

This block is soooo nice....Of course, I'm sitting here trying to analyze the puzzle. I have several of the same fabric. I bought some of mine at a little quilt shop there in Indy. I was thinking about where I found this shop but i'm not at all sure now. It has a long arm quilter in it. It's really not such a little shop.

I'm really torn what I want to do with these blocks. Everyone else thinks I should make a big quilt. I want to take them all and put three borders on each one....One border about 1.4 inch and make coordinating mini blocks. Then quilt and bind each and hang this side by side all the way along the top in my quilting room...where there are open spaces.

Thanks Trish wowzee 2 so close! Is this heaven yet?

Lol editing...didn't mean to hit the enter button...I already have plans for Sylvias...MINI 9 patches....trying to come up with a coordinating one for each one... Those blocks will be 1 1.4-- maybe i could try 2 or even 3 inch finished...so I'm thinking maybe 3 plain or strip then one block...toss and repeat... If I do 3 inch I could do all 9 patch blocks...hmmm OK sorry thinking aloud here! Maybe for yours Trish, I could do your middle of 4 triangles.?.? Hmmm LOl Thanks again...

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Okay, to everybody > I'm sorry if you have an incorrect address for Elizabeth. I was never sent any other address than the one in Marion, IN; so therefore I could not send a new address on to you.

Secondly, Elizabeth, would you please email me your CORRECT address so I can fix the problem.

Also, have you not received any other blocks? SEveral were mailed to your Marion, IN address in December. We need to know if we need to make replacements or what

I hope your husband is feeling better. Sorry he was so ill.

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Hey gang, I'm away from home so I can't check the post office. BUT, I have my little sewing machine and I've finished four blocks! Yeah! I hope to have another dozen finished before we go home on Wednesday. I'm working in the evening after working all day so it's going well. At least up here I don't have housekeeping, phone, washing, cooking, etc. to distract me. Maybe, just maybe I'll have them ready to mail before the end of the week. Get ready!

Also, I ran out of the first fabric I bought so I'm using another. I won't take time to offer a choice--been there, done that. Don't have time to read the poll results. I'm having fun making them and receiving them.

Thank you again Teresa for organizing this, and I'm sorry you're having issues. We live, and we learn. and things just keep getting better. :D

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I received two blocks today, making my total 8. I received a wonderful fan block from Holly. Thank you for the pictures, map and little gold token. Such a beautiful place to live.

I also received a from Gerri in Alberta Canada. I really like the colors you chose, especially the flower fabric, and that is one of my favorite blocks.

Thank you both again.

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