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Melbourne Bushfires - Where are you Satu?

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To all our sisters and brothers "down under" my prayers are with you and your families. I will request prayers from my friends at our guild meeting tomorrow evening. If there's anyway for us to help please ask. Please keep in touch, my thoughts are with you.

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Victoria is still alight but the firefighters are doing their best!

The army has moved in & firefighters have arrived from interstate & even New Zealand.

Because the fires are near me, our Community Centre has been set up to receive donations. I went to volunteer

& couldn't get close. The place was full of people dropping off food & clothes... it was so heart warming.

750 homes gone so far & whole towns burnt to the ground. So many dead stock & wild life.

Towns are inaccessable & have been labelled crime scenes. There is a shortage of people trained to identify the dead & so people are still laying in the streets where they died. The morgue is full & this has been declared Australia's worst natural disaster. The death toll is 130+ & they haven't even gone back to some of the towns to sift through the burnt houses. It's a sad time for us.

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Jenny, I wish I was closer to give you a hug. Please know that I am thinking of you and your hubby. I just heard that there could be up as many as 200 dead. So many heart wrenching stories are being told. Tassie has some fire fighters on the way and also some equipment. On the television, two dogs who managed to survive were shown waiting beside their burnt home for their family. It really makes you want to cry. I'll be in touch soon. Please keep safe.

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I just got off the phone with Butch at CQ. He said that 2 LA'ers with CQ's lost their homes. He couldn't remember who they were, since he can't remember who they were, I am hoping it is just rumor:o. Has anyone heard?

Helen Campbell...anyone know about her? She is in Modbury Heights.

Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers!

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Originally posted by Stagecl

I just got off the phone with Butch at CQ. He said that 2 LA'ers with CQ's lost their homes. He couldn't remember who they were, since he can't remember who they were, I am hoping it is just rumor:o. Has anyone heard?

I just heard from Sue Morris on the CQDigitizers chat and she said the following:

"Hi Sue

NONE of our ladies with CQ have been affected. We have a lady about 1 1/2 hrs drive from one of the fires the next closest is me but we¹re all OK. We have another 3 in Victoria but we're all safe. I'm worried about one of our APQS ladies though whose whole town was burned out. She would have fled in time if she could but the winds were so strong

and travelling so fast that it was hard to predict what would happen next."

Sue, if you read this, I hope it is okay to post but I just want everyone to know what is happening.

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I just talked with Sue Morris by phone. She says they're safe but have one APQS owner not accounted for yet. The weather has been unbearably hot for the last week.

My brother is in NSW and I just talked with his wife. They are okay too, at least for the time being. She is looking at the tall trees about 100 yards from their house and wondering what she'd do, or what she'd take if the fires headed their way. With the winds it's difficult to know which direction to go and many are dying in their cars as they try to flee.

So sad!

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The fires are about 20 mins from me & I know there was a longarmer in one of the towns that was badly affected but people in that town had a little more warning & so if they decided not to stay & fight she should have had time to escape. I wouldn't hold out much hope for her machine or house but hopefully her & her family are safe.

The weather has cooled down making that side of things easier but so many town are still on fire alert.

It's hard to watch the news as it is so sad.

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Hi everyone

We are safe from the fires in lower Central Victoria however last night they were saying towns like Healsville which is only about 1 1/2hrs from us were preparing themselves.

I am very confident that none of the ladies with CQs have been affected - we only have one lady who is within 2hrs drive the fires and her area hasn't been affected. All the other CQs in Victoria are further south than me. I will check with Butch to see where he heard that info though.

Unfortunately we do have one APQS lady in a town (Kinglake) which has been burned out and I can't contact her - so I am hoping and praying she and her husband are safe. We have another amazing APQS owner - Marlene who is about 1/2 hr drive from the fires and she had 14 people and their pets stay at her place at the weekend and they were from the burned out areas.

To lose whole towns is just very hard to imagine. One of the towns, Marysville, has been burned to the ground - we were only there a few months ago walking around the tourist shops and eating at their beautiful restaurant - its unbelievable to see the TV footage of the area burned down.

This morning's news said the death toll will likely go over 200, its at about 180 at the moment. There are some sad and amazing stories of survival though, one lady grabbed her friend and a fire blanket and hid in a wombat hole as the fire raged over them, others jumped in dams and put a fire blanket over them.

The most unfathomable thing is that the Northern fires and the one in Gippsland (below us) are believed to have been started deliberately.

Jenny's husband and his buddies in the CFA are just amazing - how proud their families should be of them - how grateful are we all that there are brave and thoughtful people, prepared to risk their own lives to save others. Thank goodness for people like him.

If you want to see where the fires are, you can go to the Country Fire Authority website www.cfa.vic.gov.au

Helen is in Sth Australia, and although I haven't spoken to her, I have visited her home and am confident she will be OK. I'll let her know that people were asking about her when I speak with her today.

Best wishes

Sue in Australia

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I cannot think of anything to add to the prayers and wishes already offered. I can hardly put my mind around the images of the devastation and the number of lives lost. And then to think any of it was caused by arson weighs heavy on my heart.

Stay safe...you're all in our prayers...


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For those of you interested.

If you google

abc.com.au (Australian Broadcast Corporation)

This will take you to the headlines stories. There are a whole lot of Tags, that will take you to different stories about the fires. The tags are located under the main story featured. There are lots of videos/ news articles on the destruction there.

On this site, you will also find articles on the flooding in Ingham, where our Karen is situated.

The death toll was 173 this morning, but as all the other days, this will still be climbing. It is just so incredibly sad.


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Hi All,

I've been quilting with tears in my eyes, so sad. Not just for the people and all their belonings but the wildlife and all the other animals with nowhere to run. It's devostating. I went to my patchworkers meeting yesterday and spoke to a friend who is organizing quilts to made and delivered where needed so if anyone would like to make a quilt send me a U2U and I will give you her details. I was making a quilt for my big brother and he passed away before I finished quilting it. I think that I will now finish it and pass it along to where it will be needed. It's a big blankie of love.

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