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Coral snake in back yard this a.m.!

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I so hate snake....doesn't matter what flavor or size...they all get my shovel.... Was raised with Diamond backs....and learned at a very young age...that the only good snake in the yard was a dead snake. Unless you see it in the field and they are catching mice or whatever they eat.

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I am so afraid of snakes that I'm always watching where the pups are stepping and I forget about me. Last week I almost stepped on a long black one, don't know if it was poisonous or not, didn't wait to check. I'm afraid the only good snake is a DEAD one for me.

Glad ya'll are safe!

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We had a coral snake here in H'Burg a few years back. There was all the talk about how they are not in this state. Ha! Well we took the dead thing out to So Miss and yes, indeed it was a coral snake. Any snake scares the beegeebees out of me! Glad the one in your yard is dead! Wonder where the babies are?.................

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OMG ........ nasty looking thing. We have lots of snakes here in the desert - I stay away from anything that slithers!!! In the spring, once I see a lizard, I know the snakes are about - don't go near a bush and in general just keep a watchful eye. Don't like snakes!!!! or blackwidows!!!

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We had a black snake in our kitchen last week. It was about 4 ft. long. It came out from under our stove and went back under and disappeared. There is a small hole where the gas line comes up from the basement and it sure seemed to be too small for the snake to slither into but must have. Love the black snakes cause they kill the copperheads that we seem to have in abundance around here. Glad you saw this before someone got hurt.

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Ick, ick! Ick! I can't even look at pictures of snakes or scorpions! It all just makes me run. Gives me the willies! I've run into snakes a couple of times and just freak out, which is really funny since I'm not a freak out kinda person. I may be like that about spiders now since my daughter was bitten on her calf by a brown recluse last August and the wound is still not closed. I did finally get her to change doctors and get a wound care specialist. It's finally starting to get better.

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They are bad this year for sure. My husband killed a huge king snake in the barn the other day. We have had several in the yard, but they always get away before we can get rid of them.

Since we've had all this rain and flooding the prediction is that the snakes will start moving to higher ground (ie. people's homes); so we're all on the lookout.

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We have just about every kind of snake in Missouri. In southern Missouri we had Cotton mouth, but I read that they don't come north of the Missouri River...I hope they read that article too :D Our lake property is on Truman Lake, right in the middle of the state, so we have copperheads, rattle snakes, cotton mouth, garden snakes, black snakes, spread natter, king snakes, water moccasin, you name it - we've got it....I hate, hate, hate snakes. And to top it off...it is illegal to kill a snake in Missouri.

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My girlfriend opened her kitchen utensil drawer a few weeks ago and there was a bull snake curled in the corner -- she is not afraid of anything - so she grabbed it behind the head, measured it and then took it outside and let it go...she cracks me up; she doesn't like to kill anything!!!! Me, I'd be running - snakes just are sneaky; spiders I don't like, but will put up with (I'll kill one in the house). Guess it's a girl thing!


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you guys are funny. i like snakes. i'll tell you why- they keep the vermin population in check. remember about the black plague back in the 16th (?) century? the only thing i distaste is ticks and chiggers. HATE EM! but i still wear snake boots when i go hunting.

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I'm not a huge fan of snakes, but unless they're rattlers, I let them live. Like Shannon said, they eat the vermin!

We moved into our house before it was finished and you know what that means...four years later and it still isn't finished!:D We had a really big, really black spider that hung out behind the toilet. I named her Charlotte and told her that if she'd stay in her corner (she could get under the wall and go between them--unfinished house=no baseboards) I wouldn't try to kill her. But there was no coming out and trying to scare me. Things worked well for months...then one day she had what I thought was a friend. That didn't work...so Dennis killed her and went to kill the "friend"...did you know that spider moult?? Poor Charlotte:(

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