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My most recent customer - hmmmmmm (pic now)

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Ok, I've got this blue and cream quilt on the frame.......there are a few B, C cups, & one D cup on it. I've tried to tell this customer time and time again that she needs to pay attention to her piecing. She keeps telling me that she is in a hurry and doesn't have time to do it "right" . Her initials are PJ......When will she ever learn to listen to me????? :D;):D

What would you do?

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Use a puffy bat and do an allover that swirls around a bit or a stipple and it will all just squish into place. I have to quilt for a careless piecer who doesn't do much measuring or pinning - fudging usually solves it or intense pebbles if not - we have a lot in common too (we share all the same stash and machines - haha!!:P;))

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I tried the looking really sad and then saying "well I am sorry but I will have to charge you a higher price to reflect the extra time this quilt will take me". It may not make her think more next time but it will compensate you for the hassle. So far for me it has improved the piecing.


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Is this what I have to look forward to??? lol :P:D:)

If its where the seams come together like in a pinwheel, mist them and then bamm them with a rubber hammer, but you've already loaded it! ugh so, forget that idea. If this is the case next time tell her you'll have to charge for bamming time, 25 cents a bamm! lol I feel for you, I am sure I will get quilts like this and I am depending on you ladies for advice.

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Take this PJ person out to lunch, then to a quilt shop to pet the fabric, then rent her a silly movie and have a glass of wine or two, and then have a really good talk with her about enjoying the piecing of the quilt, not just the stitching beautiful designs on it.

Have a good day my friend and thanks for the morning laugh. Now I know who has been teaching my last two customes how to piece a quilt top:P

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Well, the glass of wine (whine) last night helped some. I finially "got 'er done" last night at 1 AM. I decided - I mean my customer decided late last week to do this, and I, I mean she needed it done by today. So with great speed, little accuracy and a whole lot of "Tower of Power" music, I'm almost finished with her time line. I got it all nailed down, now to binding. Going to try binding on the LA. I will try really hard to go slow on this part.......

This all started when I was talking to myself (?) about this horrible quilt and the dear sole who made it. :D:cool::D

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All comments are good and well, but when you have only three hours to do something and life gets in the way...things happen... just ask me, I too am trying to finish a quilt for a graduation present...graduation is TONIGHT (now why in the sam grace of God am I setting here on the computer)...so I totally feel your pain Patty Jo.

When "PJ" gets into one of those situations again...and I'm speaking from the heart here, because "Bon" does the same thing, she waits till the last minute and expects me to bail her hinny out of a crack once again. Remember to starch all your fabric before you start piecing and you won't get the "D" and "C" cups no matter how hard you fly through a quilt....the starch keeps the bias edges from stretching so you can't get into trouble while piecing and quilting is a breeze after that.

Good luck in your dead line now I'm going back to the basement break time is over.


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Originally posted by Bonnie

......Remember to starch all your fabric before you start piecing and you won't get the "D" and "C" cups no matter how hard you fly through a quilt....the starch keeps the bias edges from stretching so you can't get into trouble while piecing and quilting is a breeze after that.....

Hey Bon, GREAT ADVICE!! for those "speed piecers". (especially when working with fabric cut on the bias).. I'll be sure to mention that to my guild members so they know, too. (and me... I am not a speed piecer I rather enjoy the process of piecing). Love ya, Bonnie. :) Now, get off the 'puter so you can finish that graduation quilt.... :cool:

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Originally posted by Bonnie

When "PJ" gets into one of those situations again...and I'm speaking from the heart here, because "Bon" does the same thing, she waits till the last minute and expects me to bail her hinny out of a crack once again. Remember to starch all your fabric before you start piecing and you won't get the "D" and "C" cups no matter how hard you fly through a quilt....the starch keeps the bias edges from stretching so you can't get into trouble while piecing and quilting is a breeze after that.

I starched the bejeebers out of the top I just finished piecing. It's all 60 degree diamonds and/or triangles so lots of bias edges. That puppy can practically stand up on it's own but boy is it flat!

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Did we have to mention c and d cups as I am sitting here sewing a one block wonder ( they call it that because it will be a wonder if it all goes together!) Good Luck and tell PJ you just might not do her quilts anymore if she doesn't get her act together!! What does she want a miracle worker???:P:P:P ps charge her extra, say ice cream with chocolate on it...

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OK, the evening menu is going to be a bit different tonight.........Margaritas, Wine and ice cream ( "Death by Chocolate" is my favorite) with chocolate sauce. Not a calorie to be seen, but I'll roll to bed about 8PM!!!

I just had a hunch that we all needed to have a laugh today!:P:P:P:P

Here is a pic - still stitching down the binding.......


Thanks for looking.

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Oooh I don't see no B C or D cups! :) It's so pretty. Love the swirly McTavish background fill around the spinners...

Hmmmm .... just thinking about sipping a glass of Deliciously deep dark cabernet savignon with a slice of deep dark Death by Chocolate cake... oh yumm-oooh! (Hey... Sandy Darlington, are you with me, babe???) My goodness could it get any richer than that?? Might need to eat some rolaids (after desert mints) before your 8:00 PM beddy bye time ... lol

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