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I Can't believe I'm finally finished! Embroidery quilt

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Hi! I wanted to show you the quilt I just finished! It is a beautiful HAND embroidered quilt that my customer, Mary did. It is a WONDERFUL quilt! She is the same lady who did the bonnet lady quilt that I had posted eariler in the summer. She does OUTSTANDING work! I wish these pictures could do her work justice! This quilt was on the frame for several weeks. In the crosshatching alone, there are over 1500 starts and stops, knotting and burying! Yep....count 'em!!!:o I struggled with the feathers coming out right when I first started them, and I did allot of frogging .... I think I was just trying too hard! Heidi, I did the feathers different than what you had shown. I was laying in bed thinking about it and thought about doing it this way. They are inspired buy a book I have of Karen McTavish's...thanks, Karen! :) but Heidi, you got me going and I sooooo appreciate your help! I am thinking about charging .06 psi for this quilt. that is $201. What do you all think? Is that too much? I have somewhere around 35-40 hours in it. I know I can't get a decent hourly wage from it. I think this one is just going to be a privilage to have done! so, here are the pics....I have several so put up with me! :)


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Linda that is a take your breath away beautiful quilt! I love it!!!! That was a really good choice for the feathers around the oval and boy that cross hatching was so worth it! I jsut love everything about this quilt. I so want to make one!!!! Great job and you did yourself proud. I think your price is very fair! I think 200 is actually pretty cheap for this kind of work!

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Now this is the quilt I was wondering about the other day and couldnt remember who had posted the pictures of it. I am so glad to see it all done it is a beauty for sure. The crosshatching and feathers came out wonderful. What color is the thread. It kind of looks like it might be a light green but I cant really tell if it is or not. Whatever it is just lovely and you should be very proud.

what did you use to get your oval around the faces. I want to do that with some sbs blocks but the oval board I have isnt large enough?

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Thank you all!! Jeanne, The thread is so fine, a light Green. Matches the fabric really well.... I think the name of it is Sagebush or something like that. And about the ovals. I couldn't make my lines well enough by drawing them on and just stitching around them. So after the first try with that, I frogged and I went to Quilter's Rule and up at the top of their site page, they have a manufacture part. I called them, told them the size I needed and they made nesed ovals just the size I needed!!! And it was very reasonable price!!! Quilter's Rule, rules!! :) Here's the web site http://www.quiltersrule.com/index.html They were so nice and VERY QUICK! Very, very helpful! linda

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Beautiful quilt! I know that was alot of work but a word about your pricing, I underpriced one that I did recently as when my customer picked it up and was told the final price, she said, oh, I would have not batted an eye to pay twice that amount! So don't underprice yourself! You did a beautiful job!

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