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Christmas Greetings

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Hope you all have as great a Christmas as you can, whatever you're doing.

My celebrations with family & friends are spread over several days which will be lovely. We've snow at the moment which is beautiful, but unfortunately its set to disappear before Christmas day.

Unlike many of you I don't do customer quilts at the moment as I have another job, so haven't got pressure from customers & will hopefully get time to practise over the holidays.

I'm delighted to be part of such a warm welcoming international quilting family;););)

Happy Holidays

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Merry Christmas to all!! All my plans are centered around my sister's house. Mom has been in West Texas,helping her sister who has shingles and is caregiver to her husband, who has Alzhiemer's. She's coming home with another of her sister"s who is coming sown to spend Christmaas whit her son and his family. Then we have a family get together at our cousins on the 27th and all the Mom's go back to West Texas until sometime in the spring. This is the first time this many of us have been together at Chirstmas since we were kids at our Grandmother's house and we are all very excited! We have calls planned with those who can't be here via cell phone, we"ll use the speakers so all can visit. We'll have 4 generations at once!

Hope everyone has a happy and blessed Chistmas! And we need reports after on what Santa brought all these quilters!!!

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Merry Christmas Angie from an ex-pat! ( I'm from Derby in the Midlands originally, now live in Perth, WA) It was lovely to hear of the snow - I'm now used to really hot weather around Christmas Day! This year its supposed to be around 38degrees C. I would love to have a bit of snow around to cool off a bit! But we still have our traditional dinner, although a bit later. I've even been known to cook dinner in my swimming costume and sarong. I have a dip in the pool, then dry off a little, pop in the kitchen and can work comfortably for a while. But the rest of the time we have cold food!!! Enjoy the cold weather for me, and enjoy practicing, you will love it when you get more comfortable with your machine. Don't forget to doodle the patterns on paper too, it helps with the learning process.

And Christmas blessings to all on the APQS forum!


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Merry Christmas Angie

I was wondering if your Christmas dinner includes Yorkshire Pudding in your part of the world. WE usually have it for part of our Christmas celebration, but this year we have opted out for a Lasagna Dinner, Probably for New Years we will do the Roast Beef with yorkshire pudding. My husbands Mom is from Wales and brought him up on that so it has become a necessity at our house when all the family is together! Enjoy your Christmas and celebrations with family. I too quilt for myself and hope to get some practice in over the holidays!

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Merry Christmas to Angie and to all of my UK and European friends; and my Aussie friends and my Canadian and US friends.

Kenna-babe: I am so glad to know that your family, mom and her family will be together this Christmas. I am sure many fond memories will come from this time. xoxoxo

PS: I love Yorkshire Pudding (or popovers). I could have this with or without Roast Beef, too. Just eat that alone with jam is a perfect treat. :) This year I think i shall make roast beef and yorkshire pudding for our Christmas dinner.

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To answer your thoughts Jeanne, we won't be having Yorkshire pud at Christmas we'll be having a traditional Christmas dinner similar to what you might have at Thanksgiving. Turkey, Stuffing, pigs in blankets & loads of different veggies including brussel sprouts! Plus Christmas pud & mince pies for dessert with custard, cream, ice cream........ mmmm Then we won't be able to move!!!!:D

My other half would eat Yorkshire pud with anything so maybe one Christmas......

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Merry Christmas Angie from another expat, this time in Vermont, USA. Yes, my Mum told me you'd had snow. Thank heavens it was the French with the wrong kind of snow this time! Who knows if my niece will make it back from her new (first) job in Paris tomorrow (today?)

Since we had turkey for Thanksgiving we are also having roast beef for Christmas dinner. None of my family here apart from DH & DD, but step son & wife visiting from San Francisco and 2 v. close friends for the day too so nearly as good. I wonder how all these Americans would feel about beef gravy in their popovers instead of jam?.....

Lots of snow here which is good as we are a ski town. Temp tonite heading to below zero F or -12C Brrrrrr

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ooohhh Anne H. what a lovely place you live, we visited New England & Stowe in the fall 2003 & fell completely in love with it. We went to Lowell & of course Keepsakes too. Its definately on our list of places to visit again.

I'm sooo glad I haven't had to travel too much these last 2 weeks because you obviously remember how everything seems to come to a standstill when it snows!!

Has to be beef gravy everytime:D

& yes Connie will have to wait till Shelley & then me have opened our pressies first :D

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