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I'm so excited I might bust! - sneak peak added!

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Oh girls you are so nice!!! Kristina yes this will have sections that are colored using colored pencils. The plan is to put this on navy blue background. The circles will be white. You can hardly see the points of the medallion in the picture but those are featherish flowers at the center bottom will be on a white fabric and those will be colored with pencils. In the center of the quilt I have repeated the same circle as the border. I will do a quiltazoid spirograph in that area and color that in as well. I hope it looks as elegant done as it looks in my head. The feathered background will be done in navy blue thread and I just want the texture to show so that the border and medallion area stand out. I will be using metallic silver thread to outline the medallion and the border.

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That is so pretty, beautiful, drop dead goreous, breath taking, wonderful, perfect and all of the said before.


I know I will be waiting to see more!!!!!!! I know I'll be drawing more feathers this week and the following WEEKS to come!

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OMGosh! The design looks gorgeous and imagining it colored, Trapunto'd, and done with metallics is beyond belief! Now don't let all these kind truthful words on this forum make your head explode. You have a deadline to meet. ;) If I only had a smidgen of your talent (sigh)...

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Originally posted by Mercedes

This is totally georgeous - can't wait to see the finished quilt.

Heidi, I have to ask - did you draw this out on paper first and will then transfer with a light box or how is this done? Thanks...Mercedes

Holy Cow! haven't been on here in awhile, and I come back and see this?! wow!!.... stunning!!..... and I'm with Mercedes... I know you're gonna be busy, Heidi, but when you have some time, can you tell us newbies how you transfer this?? or maybe someone else can chime in??

Best wishes in getting this done in time! can't wait to see more! Wow Wow Wow!!!

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Heidi, Your design is amazing!! I can't imagine how one "sees" something like this in your head, much less put it on paper and a quilt. You are truly a talented artist. It is bound to be a ribbon winner. Like everyone else, can't wait to see it quilted and colored. I will look for it at MQS too. Dar

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Oh girls you just might make my head explode! Thanks this is a great thread to wake up to. I'm glad you all like the design as much as I do. I'm especially proud of the feathers in the background since that is completely drafted by me. It just came and it really only took me about 3 hours work to design it. I guess it was just meant to be.

Vicki - LOL if you only knew...I hate mornings!

Mercedes & Sharon - I drafted this in pieces. First I did the center medallion on a 15" square. I took that to Office Max and had them blow it up to 30". I had to do this 2 times because my first design wasn't square enough and the center didn't line up right. I learned to get 4 copies of the original first, test it and then blow it up. Once that was designed I worked on the border. I again blew that up until it looked like it belonged. I decided to make a full size paper template so that I didn't have to do a 1/4 and then reposition. This way I could take care of any inconsistancies up front. I then transferred this design onto totally stable. This is a tip I got from Renae Hadedin (sp?). I couldn't find a wider piece so I pieced 12" strips together until I had a big enough piece. I just zig zagged the edges together. I have to say I love this stuff! It is the first time I've used it but it is wonderful! Now that the design is on the totally stable that will get ironed right onto the fabric and I will be able to transfer the whole design onto the cloth without worry of shifting...I hope! So far it has been worth the money. Oh and I found that on Renae's site she sells wider lots of it. I think it is 40" wide. Great stuff and worth the money! Since I'm transferring onto a dark fabric I'll have to use a light box. easy because I use the back of my quilting table as a huge light table!

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Originally posted by lindasewsit

Heidi, I'm not sure what Totally Stable is. Now when you iron this onto the fabric, do you quilt over it and then tear it off? Or is it just on the back and then you will take it off after you mark your front? Interesting!!thanks! linda

Linda - Totally stable is a stablizer that is very similar to freezer paper but way better because it isn't as rigid and is flexible just like fabric but it doesn't stretch like fabric. It is sold in JoAnn's in a roll and I think it is made by the same people as the water soluable stabilizers. You press it on and when you're done marking you tear it off. Like freezer paper it doesn't leave a residue and isn't hard to get off. I think it holds better than freezer paper too. I'll give you my full review on it once I've used it on fabric. Since Renae uses it I'm sure it is a wonderful product! It would be awesome if you could quilt through it and not have to retrace the design though! LOL can't blame a girl for dreaming can you?

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