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NQR - surgery in my near future

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Hi all,

I found out this morning that I will be having foot surgery on May 14th. Prayers are welcomed! I have had a compressed nerve in my foot and it just keeps getting worse. I've had two cordizone shots in it and they last only a few months. I will be out of work for 2 weeks. I will be confined to bed for 2 full days after surgery...now that really means you guys have to say lots of prayers! I'm not real good about staying in bed like that! I'm praying that after that I can figure out a way to still get some quilting done. I have my saddle stool so I'm hoping I can prop my foot and still get some quilting in, especially since I'll be home for 2 full weeks! It is my left foot so I can still drive ;););););)! If all goes well I'll be back to normal at about 4 weeks. It will feel good to walk without pain. Then I'm hoping I can get back to the gym!

Also say a little prayer that my MIL feels better real soon. It has been almost 6 weeks since she broke her arm and running back and forth is definitely wearing on me! I'm still preparing meals for her, doing her shopping, writing out bills and helping her with most of her cleaning. She manages to bath herself and does her laundry but other than that she is relying on hubby and I for everything. It would be easier if she would just come stay with us but she won't hear of it. I've been running back and forth which has added an hour to my commute daily! I am barely keeping up with things. I pray that while my foot is recovering that she has a miraculous recovery!

And since I'm asking for prayers...pray for hubby too. His bloodwork didn't come back very good this last time and his inflamation is worse. They did some additional bloodwork to check to see if his body is metabolizing the meds the way it should and the results were that he can metabolize although not as well as they would like. They are evaluating alternatives and in the meantime increased his steroids to get his CRP levels more into the acceptable range. The CRP levels were high enough for them to note that "a future cardiac event is likely." I won't lie this is freaking me out a little. I firmly believe in the power of prayers though so get to work!

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Heidi, I don't know how you manage to juggle everything that you do. I think I would climb a wall... anyway, I will keep you in thought and that you recover quickly from surgery. Stay off of that foot and keep it elevated. Major important advice from Dr. Shana (who has broken her right foot twice and knows...) ;)

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Heidi, may you all be blessed with the strength, wisdom and support each needs in this time. I know He has plans for you , to prosper you and not harm you. He will be found when we seek Him.

Now to the humor for the situation: Maybe mil will get better when she sees that you aren't able to "hop" to it for her! I do hope things smooth out for your hubby. I understand the back of the mind fear for his health and life.

Remember: when two or three are gathered together there is power in the prayers, so sit down with mil, hubby and yourself too, and pray you all well. Love you.

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heidi -

lots and lots of prayers and only good thoughts coming you rway from me. how do you keep sane?

keep us posted and please let me know if there is anything i can do to help you.

i am most sincere about this.

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Originally posted by DoryJM

Heidi, you should be the one that had the meltdown and be retiring as of Thursday. I don't know how you do it all!!

ROFLMAO - should have seen me Sat. am...yup meltdown! I'm getting a little grumbly that MIL. Without getting too personal lets just say she has a problem after she eats and I can't fix it. Your prayers are already working because I finally convinced her to go see her regular doctor tomorrow at 11!!!! Keep it up you all! She obviously has something wrong but would not give into seeing her doctor. Another appointment for me to take her too but if it makes her feel better it will be worth it! Thankfully I have a very understanding boss!!!! Of course he knows that no matter what I'll get the job done!

As for everything else I always remind myself that there are others worse off than I am! Puts it all into perspective.

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Heidi, I've had 3 foot surgeries and where there's a will ther's a way. You'll be quillting with that foot proped up somewhere. I always wanted to make the most of the time off but when I had carpal tunnel surgery, couldn't figure out a way! god bless and prayers for you and family. We all know how MIL'S are and especially when they are old.

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Oh Dear Heidi, It seems that your plate is way too full and now that plate is about to overflow with these added things. I will definitely be praying for your surgery, for your DH's body to be able to absorb the medications that he need and that your DMIL will start minding you and the Dr's.

I'll be praying for a quick recovery for you with no problems, and for DH's next blood test to show great improvement and for DMIL to tell you that she "can do it" so that you can take back your life. :)

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WTH? My sweet friend, this is just the icing on the cake isn't it! Well, don't you worry your lil head about it! We'll take care of the prayers, good thoughts, hugs, etc... you just get better! If I lived closer, I'd come help ya!

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

luv -b

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Guest Linda S

Ouch! Prayers are on the way for you and your family members. Do you have a morton's neuroma? I had one of those and, even though it was in my left foot, I had a manual transmission car and driving was very painful. So glad I have an automatic now.

This reminds me that I need to get some pictures out to you. I should have my new camera software from Pentax in a few days. I hope it works!

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Oh Heidi, so sorry to hear about your foot. You seem to be such a kind and giving person and I hope you will take the time needed to care for yourself. And I do have to say, most surgeons greatly underestimate the real time it takes to get back to a comfort level after orthopaedic type surgery. Most everyone I know who has had foot surgery was not ready to return to what they considered normal activites until later than they were told pre surgery. But eventually you will be back to normal and able to quilt you little heart out again. Prayers for you and the rest of your family.

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