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prayers for grandaughter

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Prayers are especially needed now because a second problem are arisen. My 14 month old Grandaughter just this month had rectum sergury to correct her POOP LINE she was not aligned correctly and could not expell her poop. She is healing as well as can be expected. Has the best Dr's at Standford Hospital here in California., But when they did an MRI before sergury they detected some fatty tissue on the end of her spine, She see's a specialist for that on Tuesday and I pray nothing major is wrong. This family is really going thru it. I so appreciate all my quilting buddy's that I can call on when siuch a time as this arises. You're the best. I will keep you updated on little Tessa

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I certainly will pray for her.. such a thing for a tiny one to go thru.. the bowel surgery isn't fun for anyone.. can't imagine a baby going thru that and having pain, and not knowing what to do. Prayers for the spine, again such a tiny one for such big problems.. God Will hold her snugly in His arms as she goes thru this..


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