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Asian quilt just finished

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I picked this top up at Guild with the customer and a gaggle of her friends throwing design ideas at me. Arrrgghh! Can you imagine it? After they calmed down a bit my customer told me to use any "Asian" designs I wanted to, but she wanted chrysanthemums "just like the focus fabric" quilted on the green arrow-shaped spaces. Sure, I can do that, no problem, yes ma'am, easy-peasy. Can I say Arrrgghh again?

Here is the result.

So Fine, BottomLine, and Metro thread. W&N batting supplied.

Teensy-weensy clamshells free-handed in the green border (marked a half-inch grid to manage that). The rest freehand with some bits marked first.

The part I liked the least (the "topographical" fabric quilted to follow the design in the fabric) was the part she liked the best!

Thanks for looking.

Here's the whole thing...


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I am making a quilt using this same fabric for someone whose requirements were that it reached the floor and had green to match her bedroom walls. After much searching, I decided on this fabric eventhough like you I did not like the writing on it. I made 4 stack posies with it and am now trying to find some more of a fabric I used with it because I changed the layout of the design and need to make more blocks. arrrggghh!!! Do you have any suggestions for finding fabric. I did a search for the name but only found it in black. BTW you did a beautiful job of quilting as usual. I'm so sick of this one, it may not get anything but meandering:P:P:P, if I can find about 1/2 yard more. I could use the focus fabric in a border, but since she wants to use it as a bedpread, I didn't think it would look right over the pillows.

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I have the Asian fabric; it's another fabric in this quilt that I can't find. But thank you for your generous offer to find the Asian for me. You are always so helpful and supportive and so generous with your ideas. If you have any ideas about how to find older fabrics, please, please, please, HELP!!!!!

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