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The generosity of quilters

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I was blog-hopping today and found an SOS by a wonderful "big girl" quilter who was begging for a source for some beads she was using on a quilt. Her reliable source was out and the supplier could not be contacted. I spent 15 minutes or so looking on the net and found her beads. After emailing her with the source, I was happy to hear the beads were exactly what she needed. She was joyful--having beaded 90% of the quilt and not wanting to remove her beading. She sent me a grateful note AND all her handbooks and handouts from her various classes to show her thanks! How thoughtful and generous---and these books take a $600 class to access!

I am overwhelmed!

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What's that old saying: "be careful what you dish out cuz some day you'll get it dished right back atcha!" ;)

In other words:::

Linda, what goes around, comes around, my friend. You give and give and give so much---- and you never expect anything in return. And therefore, because of this, you shall also recieve. It's just the way it's meant to be. Your reward for your goodness and giving is returned. :)

Me? I've been a lucky fortunate person to be on the recieving end of your generous gifts. Your kindness is remembered every time I use my cross hatch ruler. :) It's awesome!

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Guest Linda S

How nice! When I see someone looking for something on the net, I generally take it as a personal challenge to find it. I'm always really happy to help someone out that way.

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Yea!!!! So glad that you are on the receiving end for a change. You are such a generous and kind person and we all love you to pieces and can hardly wait to see what beauties come out of your home using the new books and handouts. Bet they will be spectacular

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