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Excited Newbie

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Finally…..I have been following this blog for almost a year and learned soooo much! Such a great group of people willing to share their expertise and ideas.

Between the APQS Blog and this site – I spend way to much time on the computer – but my DH has taken note. Well about a month ago he said “just order it” – I couldn’t believe it! I explained to him that with working, I would not be able to make money with this machine - his comment was “Do you expect me to make money with my Harley”! So had to move quick before he knew how much this really cost! The sewing room is decked out and now referred to as the ‘Studio’ and is full of APQS boxes. Matt is setting up today - so don’t know when I will sleep next! Oh, yes – she is the Millennium…just a little excited!

I’m sure you will be hearing more from me as the new arrival intimidates me just a bit! Hoping someday I may be able create something worth posting! Keep the photos coming – great inspiration.

Excited newbie!


PS. Think there may be a Harley in my future but I can handle that!

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Guest Linda S

Congratulations! Your Millennium will be much safer to drive than a motorcycle! I've been rear-ended six times over the years, and there's no way you'd get me on anything that has less than four wheels. I drive a car with six airbags and I'm not going down from there. Enjoy your new machine!

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Yea Wendy! You are going to have so much fun! I remember when My first APQS machine arrived at my door. I upgraded to a Millie 3 years later and have never looked back since. Our machines are quality workhorses! I even have taken mine to quilt camp! We strapped the head into a seat belt and off we went. When he came home, we put him back on the table and I was off and running on my next customer quilt. Now that is a quality machine! And yes, my milli is a male. He just is. LOL If you have noticed, most millies seem to be female. :)

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Welcome to the world of Alberta LA'ers. Hope you can make it to the studio sometime for some classes, chocolates, coffee and lots of fun. I am one of the 4 who quilt out of Sparrow Studioz in Edmonton, on a Millie. Love, love, love it!

Have fun getting to know your Millie and hope to see you at Dawn's classes, whenever the dates are decided! It will be fun!

Joanne Flamand

Artistic Quilt Design

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It looks like you have a keeper there. It's better to spend your money on something you're going to love and just cut back on clothes. They go out of style anyway. Your machine will be with you forever and probably give you more enjoyment. Good luck with your quilting. We're so fortuante to have so many wonderful members who are willing to help at a moments notice.

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