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Case Update

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Here's an update on my grandson, Case. He was admitted to PICU Thursday morn w/a collasped lung. Things were really bad by Thurs nite. Even talk of taking him home to be in familiar setting awaiting death. The Dr. said he felt Case had some reserve, so lets just keep working. He started w/Cpap and now is on bipap along w/a host of other things. What a trooper. He hasn't had any food in his tummy for 5 days but is given nutrition IV and now they have an NJ tube in awaiting his strength for surgery for a Gtube. Friday nite he smiled at us and we went home knowing that he will be w/us for awhile yet. Yesterday he was so happy and chatty. He has about 20 girlfriends (nurses) that all want to take him home. I can't believe how easy going the little guy is. Has his dad's personality. When he sits on his mommy's lap he looks at everyone as if to say, "you can't hurt me now!!" Don't know how long he will be in the hospital. His beautiful brown eyes just melt the heart. I will post some pic this weekend when I have time. He was baptized Friday and it was a beautiful ceremony. About 20 friends from their church and realatives were there. Thank you Lord!! He's 7 months old now and for those who don't know, he has SMA (Spinal Muscle Atrophy), the #1 genetic killer of children under age 2.

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Marie, Case, and Family, my prayers will be big on this for the next few days.. driving time or riding along time, gives lots of time for prayer.. A friend of ours said once.. (she didn't mean kids aren't great, she was talking of young adults.. ) "Why is always the good, sweet ones who die young?" I think it's Because God trusts us to be strong, love whomever is having the difficulty, and not turn our backs on God and blame Him for picking on us.

These special children do so much good in their short span on earth, be it months, a few years, or 35 years.. that the rest of us can't come close.. All the easier to Love, too.. they are always so accepting to what is taking place within them, or for them, and just radiate the love..

God Bless you all, and all my prayers for you/yours as well as all others, continue..


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