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Hi, I have been lurking on this site for almost a year, and felt it was time to come out of the shadows. I have learned so much from you ladies and have been so impressed with the support and help and encouragement you give each other. Just folloing your threads had given me the courage to try new techniques. I have a Nolting funquilter, and while the APQS is my dream machine , since I have linited space and want to quilt mostly for myself it seems the practical choice for now. I am in awe of the beautiful quilts you post pictures of!! It can be alittle intimdating for a beginner to be comparing her work to what I see here. I have decided to take the plunge and attend MQS if there are enough classes open that I think would be heloful for me. Anyway I have enjoyed being an observing in this community and hope to become a more active member.

Claire in NC

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Welcome Claire. Thanks for coming out of the shadows. You probably already know most of us here...and we can be a bit silly at times. As for me, I am learning new things everyday from the guys and gals on this site. We all have one thing in common...a love for quilting. And, we are willing to share ideas and help out.

Look forward to 'seeing' you again.

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Hello Claire,

lovely to meet you :)

Youre so right, the talent on this chat is unreal!

Some of the quilting is so beautiful it leaves me speechless.

Do yourself a favour and try not to compare your work with the masters here, just enjoy the eye candy. Your time will come, (I'm still waiting for mine lol) in the mean time PPP PPP PPP

Hope you get into some fab classes at MQS, Please let us know how you get on.

CHeers and happy quilting

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Welcome Claire, great seeing you here. Remember, we are were beginners sometime in our quilting career. Please post your work, we love to see all the quilts, I'll even bet that you're a lot better then you give yourself credit for, we're our own worst critics.

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Hi Claire

I am a carolina quilter myself. SC but hey still neighbors. there are alot of us Carolina quilters around and we are all neighbors here on the forum. Only a website away. Isn't it great. Thanks for joining and hope to hear lots from you in the future.

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Hi Claire, I'm in Sanford NC.. are you very close? Welcome to the board, the chat gets goofy, and very serious. More like a family actually.

Yes, many of these ladies and guys too, turn out very pretty, or downright beautiful quilting.. I'm still crawling along, but thats ok, Thats my Speed.

What machine we have doesn't matter, help is still here and pretty work can be done on all of them.

Enjoy, and stay with us.


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Welcome into the light! If you go, you'll be amazed at all the knowledge being shared at MQS. Take lots of notes, because you probably won't retain it all. I went last year for the first time, and periodically go back and review something in my notes, and usually find something else I'd forgotten. I can still hear some of the great teachers voices in my head, reminding me that we can all do it with a bit of practice.

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