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Quilt Talk's Latest Edition Discusses Safe Ruler Use

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In the wake of a busy spring show season, many quilters have new gadgets and templates to explore:

Quilt Talk: Ruling the World

Learn how to use them accurately and safely, plus discover a secret about your Millennium, Freedom SR or Liberty that could speed up your ruler work immensely!

As always, let me know about topics you'd like me to address.

Happy Quilting!

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Dawn, you out-did yourself again. This article is excellent. Thanks for all of the MANY great tips! And, I agree with you that Hint #5 is the best one of all. I use this all the time with my ruler... (if I recall correctly, Debbi Treusch provided this tip on the chat about a year ago??) I have been using it ever since. Thanks Dawn. Thanks Deb.

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Great article, and just when I need it! I put a cheater panel on this afternoon to use for ppp, put the extended base on and got out my new Itty Bitty ruler to try for the first time. It is a great little ruler, as many on the forum have said. Dawn's Hint #5 is a real help. I don't think I made it to Exercise 11 when I got my Millie because I didn't know about this one :P:P Thanks, Dawn, for a great article and for the help that you provide to us.

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Excellent article!!!

I did know about #5 and I'm sure it was on this forum where I picked up that tip.

I usually try to stop the motor with the needle in the down position so things don't shift around when I'm adjusting my ruler. ;)

Thanks, Dawn!!!

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I had forgotten all about Hint #5...probably because when I learned of it was at Darlene Epp's beginner class. I was already so overloaded, I don't think anything else would have fit in my pea brain:D

Thanks for the reminder; now I want to try it!!

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