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Just off frame

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Here are pics of a quilt my sister made for my niece. Freeform feather meander thru out. KingTut Mirage front AND back.

Sorry, only 1 pic posting at a time for me...and I have it draped over dinette table....sorry I dont have a place anymore to hang the dang quilts when their done, for a pic


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Awwww thanks guys! WOW. You all make me blush!

Yes, those are Myrna feather's! I wouldn't be able to do feathers to save my soul

without Myrna's directions. She's my Quilting Idol! LOL! I just LUV her sooo much!

The package is in the mail and my sister and my niece will have to tell me via phone how they like it. Wish I could see my nieces face when she looks at it for the first time.

It was fun to do. THAT's the most important thing for me. LOL!

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Ok Hester,.....


You have NOT yet done all over feathers? YOU? I AM IN SHOCK! Your quilting is to die for honey! I love your work. When I saw your posting, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor!

It's easy peasy. Use your swirley type rulers to draw on your spine with the purple disappearing marker. You can always stop. Then, re-start again coming off between 2 feathers and go a different direction.

I had the time of my life quilting this one.

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