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"Sweet Dreams" Irish Chain & IQ updated with pattern names


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I am updating this with the names of the patterns I used for this quilt:

2 designs are from Digitech:

1. the block motif is: JSM042V3 (Traditional Feathered Square Motif/block) by Jessica Schick

2. the turquoise borders: DK1027 (Janice with Attitude variation by One Song Needle Arts)

3. The white sashing/border is one I manipulated from another plain partial feather design that came with IQ so that I could use it as a full feather. The center design if this border is just part of another design that came with IQ that I took apart and used - guess you would say that it is my own pattern created from parts of other patterns.

For all the border patterns used what they called "line pattern" when I placed, centered & sized along the borders to make them look the best I could - will be able to improve this part of the process with my next quilt since I learned a lot with this quilt.

Also, my friend is doing very well and is released from rehab today!!!! Yeah!! Now the next few months for continued recovery.:D

I have to let the cat out of the bag - a couple of weeks ago I took delivery of an IQ and this is the result of my 1st quilt using the IQ along with some comments. I did all the ruler work (SID & XH'ing) without the IQ - just the block motifs and borders.

There has been much discussion about the computer guided systems on this forum and to be honest (hope I don't step on any toes) but it has seemed that the computer guided systems have not been as well received on this forum as compared to other forums ......... Hand guided seems to be the way of greater acceptance. I really don't have a problem with this but it is the reason I did not share earlier that I would be getting the IQ. I have been researching the systems for quite some time and when a sale came along - I jumped. Can't say the timing was the best - working so hard on improving my free motion (and will continue to do so) and heading north for the summer (no quilting for awhile :( but lots of piecing).

Anyway - for those considering a computer guided system, this is what I have learned so far - doesn't save time but the quilting is wonderful.

The motifs in the blocks of this quilt were easy to mark. The borders - another issue. When you free motion you have the "on the fly fudge quilting" in your control which is a big benefit of free motion. With the computer, you have to take the time to mark every irregularity prior to letting your computer system do its work. If everything was perfectly square and stayed perfectly square - you would be lucky - but due to the nature of quilting, this is not the norm. Marking takes time!!! but with the computer, you get rid of all those blue, purple, chalk lines!!! Threads break & you have to be extra careful getting going again so you keep you design in line vs freemotion where you can control the blending in of your stops in the middle of a design. When you set the speed (and this is varied according to the type and density of the design) the machine will move at that pace - you do not race your machine through things - you figure speed and stitch length according to your quilting so with the computer, the actual quilting time might even be longer than if you did free motion. The big difference is the accuracy & the biggest thing I have noticed the the absolute consistency of tension. WOW!!

This is another new adventure & so much fun - I will be sure to let all of you know when I do free motion and when I use the IQ - now the pictures - this is a quilt I made for a friend going through a very difficult surgery today - she should receive it tomorrow & am sure her cousin will take it to her in the hospital.

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sorry this note is so long ......... this is the last of my new quilts until next fall when I get back - but am looking forward to our Moxie meeting in July:D

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Meg, that is absolutely beautiful and am sure your friend will have lots of comfort from it.

I appreciate your speaking out about the IQ, and what you've found out about it so far. I couldn't care less if a quilt is hand, machine or freehand sewn, if it's pretty it's pretty, if not, well, Not. If it's old and remade, or repaired, new or in progress I feel the same way. They all I hope, comfort someone and that is the reason for them in my opinion.

Thanks for the input and safe travels home.. may I ask why you won't be posting again until fall? I'm going to miss you.


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Rita - I will be posting - just no quilts ..... Miss Ribbit has to stay in the desert & I have to go north -not ready to buy a second table. DH is not retired and occasionally it is wise of me to live where he lives when he is not extensively traveling. He comes down here most weekends he is in the country. Last summer he was gone more than 50% of the time I was there!!!! So this year I will go up there for July & August - come back here for a couple of weeks, then Innovations & a trip & back to the northwest for my niece's wedding which is the end of October at which time I can come back & quilt!!!!! Should get lots of piecing done..... a very good thing!!!

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beautiful work. I think the IQ is another tool, there is a time and a place. You have obviously used it to great advantage. If only my freehand could be so consistently perfect.

The quilter still needs to do all the design and planning, the wrong combination, no matter what the tool or how it is quilted doesn't turn out well.

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Your friend is so lucky to recieve such a beautiful gift from you. What a treasure. Bless your heart.

Oh Meg, you should never be afraid to be honest and right up front. I think all of us here, regardless if it's computer guided or not, respects and appreciates everyone who contributes and participates here; even you! :) And, I've never been shy to speak my mind and I've always said that I loved the computer+freehand combinations. It's the best of both worlds, I think. I also could care less what brand or type of machine someone has...that doesn't matter. They all do the same thing. And, regardless what we drive, we all love quilts and quilting, and quilters. That's the important thing. Life is good!

So, you just continue to do that beautiful quilting and follow your dreams. :) Who knows?? Hmmm.... Maybe some day down the road I will get a computer guided machine....we shall see... until then, I gotta save my pennies! I still have so much to learn and explore with what I have now. I love, love, love, love, love my Millennium it's a wonderful machine!!! Madeleine has been very good to me.

Happy quilting!! :cool:

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Hi Meg, I saw your name on the IQ yahoo groups and wondered when you would make the announcement.

This is a beautiful quilt. I love 2-color quilts. This one will surely give comfort and show your friendship.

You make a lot of good points about computerized quilting. I will another. My Gammillis equipped with pivotal access which allows me to sit down and quilt. Do I sit? No. So as I get older and more tired, I need to sit while fulfilling my love of quilting. The IQ will do that for me.

I think that I will use mine (20 days) similar to you. I will do my E2E and then some drop in motifs that have some of the wonderful intricate designs. There is one called Virginia Flower that I love, no idea who the designer is. But my first love is standing in the front of the machine doing freemotion. When time and my health permit, I'll still stand and play.

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Meg, I think you're doing things perfectly. Combining freehand with computer made for a lovely quilt. It truly is the best of both worlds. I love doing freehand, but someday, I'll have a computer. That day is just a ways off in the future...a long ways off!

Congrats on your purchase!

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Meg, it's beautiful! I would love to have a computer system for my machine. I'm working toward it! I look at it as just one more tool (an expensive one), but worth it. I've digitized embroidery for years so I don't think it would be a problem to do this with quilting. I wouldn't use it all the time, but I would probably use it a lot! It looks like a huge amount of fun to me, and I love the results.

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Congratulations on your new system! The quilt you did looks great! Would you mind posting whose patterns those are you used? They do not look familiar to me....and I am always looking to purchase new digital patterns! Congrats again and have a great time with it! I love my computer system for doing freehand and computer work too.

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