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NQR ~ My toe and hospital woes!

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About 6 weeks ago I was walking barefoot in my house and stepped on part of a toothpick, we think. It did not stay in my foot and I found the culprit, threw it out, Peroxide and neo and bandaged my foot. I was really ticked because I had JUST vacuumed the night before, but we had a fair number of people in and out of the house that day. So who knows where the toothpick came from??

That was a Friday evening, Monday in the middle of the night I woke up almost screaming. Went to Urgent Care the next day; got poked and tetanus shot, and a script for antibiotics. Worse on Wednesday and my primary care doctor sent me to the hospital. By this time my foot was swollen, hot and the stuff oozing did not smell too good! The was right in the ball of my big toe. VERY painful. I had surgery that Friday and spent 6 more days in the hospital. Which is another nightmare story!! ( 2-3 hours to wait for a pain pill.......after already waiting 4 hours! And I mean Motrin, not narcotics)

One doctor told me they were treating me for MRSA (multi resistant staph), the infectious disease doctor said "no." Bottom line, they did not know. I guess MRSA is the VERY LAST thing to grow on a culture; even though it grows quickly in your body!

So, finally out of the hospital, but not feeling "right". Foot is still painful. Doctor says it looks good, very normal, and to stay off of it.

SORRY this is a long winded post.

I've missed you all; and I am trying to catch up on all the posts.

As usual, all your project are beyond BEAUTIFUL!!

Thanks for letting me vent!

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OMG, what a horrendous experience!!! As soon as I started to read "toothpick", I thought oh no, this is not good, so many germs. That must have been so scary for you and your family!

I'm so sorry that happened to you, but I'm so happy you are home and recovering well. Rest and take good care of yourself. I'm sending you best wishes and lots of get well prayers. :)

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Linnea Marie,

So sorry to hear of your trials. I know they have a really cool little skooter you put you leg on and just roll around. I wish they had told me that a year ago when I had my foot surgery. I sure could have gotten around a whole lot better.

Sending good thoughts for a fast recovery.


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LinnaeMarie. OMG...I was wondering where you were, but then I've been a bit busy this summer as well... I too hope you are getting better, as much as I run around barefooted, this had never happened to me...knock on wood.... SO sorry that your had a crappy stay in the hospital, but you are home now and on the road to recovery.

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Feeling a little better everyday!

Thanks for all the hugs and prayers!

And, really what I went through was nothing. I know I'll get past it and be fine. But what about all these poor kids coming back from the Middle East and maybe facing years of surgeries??? Or people who go through cancer and come out the other side?? My little mishap was not so bad. I just hope those people get a lot better care than I did. The poor nurses are stretched so thin at the hospitals it is not even funny. 8 and 9 patients to ONE RN!!! And I was at A Cleveland Clinic facility. I've been a Clinic patient for over 40 years; and the care is awful now. They are concerned about their bottom line like all big companies!

OK, I'll get off my soapbox now.

Hugs to Bonnie on her losses this summer, and to my dear Mary Beth. I hope your neck is better!!

And to everyone, ((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))); in case I missed something. I love you ALL!!!

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Oh Linniea!! I am so sorry... Bless your heart. That is very scary.... it could have gotten much worse and I don't even want to imagine...what could be... anyway, Thank goodness you got it treated correctly and on the mend.

PS: when I was a kid in 3rd grade I was at a friend's house and stepped on a needle that was in the carpet. When I heard the "crunch" sound, I lifted my foot and only a little white thread was dangling out from the ball of my big right toe. Soon it became a red dangling thread. My friend rode me back home on her bike (I was on the banana seat...remember those?) and my dad rushed me to emergency room. I got my first xray that showed the needle broken in several places in the ball of my foot. Doctor gave me a local shot and removed the needle. I still have that scar on the ball of my toe. :P

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