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Hi Everyone

I just wanted to let you know, that my Dear mum passed away on Friday night. I have been staying at my sisters for the last three weeks helping to look after mum. Mum was able to get up till Tuesday when something changed and the Doctors upped her medication, after that she slept most of the time. At the end she slipped away very peacefully. For that I am very grateful.My two sisters and myself where with her, I like to think she knew we where there .

My emotions are all over the place right now, but at least I know Mum will be now with my Dad

Thank you for letting me share this with you.


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I'm so sorry to hear of your mums passing and send my ((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) across the oceans to you. I'm thankful her passing was peaceful and that you were able to be there. Prayers for you and your sisters as you go through this. I lost my dad 6 years ago and my emotions still swing back and forth. Hang in there and know your quilting family is here if you need us.

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Kath, may I add my condolences and prayers to others above; I know what you're experiencing because my mum passed away, with me and my sisters close by. I come originally from Derby in the UK, and flew back there when she was sick. My other sister flew in from South Africa, and my Derby sister was there waiting for us. It was a time of renewing sisterly relationships, a deepening of more adult ( than childhood) friendship between us, and a time of sharing memories of our growing up together. It was a time of sadness, but also joy as we celebrated our mum's life. I pray that God will give you strength to do all that needs to be done in the next few days, and that you will experience peace in the midst of the journey of grief.


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My thoughts and prayer join others today for you and your family....blessings to a swift passing, but the hole is there but as a family you will be able to heal that. Remembering all the memories will help, and strengthen those around you. Celebrate life not the death....with time it does heal, and know that we are here for you should you need us in any way.

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So sorry to hear of your Mum's passing, please remember to take care of yourself during this difficult time. I'm glad you and your sisters were there with her. As for your emotions being all over the place, that is normal and it will get better. I lost my Dad a year ago February, and I still have a hard time with certain things. Draw strength from your sisters as you go through this diffucult time. You and your familiy are in my thoughts.

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How wonderful that your mum could slip away peacefully with you and your sisters there. I would think all of you there helped her pass over easier for her and all of you.

When one of my family member's pass - we always look for a sign from nature that they are at peace and joy. If I could share this one example (I have many.) My mother was heart-broken when my cousin passed at 65. He was the laughter and delight of her life. My parents had moved into a new home three weeks before and all the landscaping was brand new - nothing had flowers on it. My dad walked out to the front of the house early one morning, two days after my cousin's passing and one of the azaleas in the front of the home had lots of blossoms, seemingly overnight. A hummingbird was drinking from them - my dad called my mom outside (mind you they were standing only 4-5 feet away and it did NOT fly away) and they watched that hummingbird for quite awhile. My mom thought about my cousin and when a complete sense of peace came over her - the hummingbird then flew away.

Call me crazy but I believe angels or heavenly messages are sent to us in so many different ways to let us know our loved ones are ok, that they are still here with us, albeit on another plain of existence, and that we can go forward in peace.

Kath, may you find comfort knowing all the love that was in the room for your mum that day, that it strengthens you during this time and know that it will continue forever.

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Kath am so sorry to hear of the grief you must go thru now. Mum is blessed and not of the world any more.. Big (((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))) for your whole family, may you concentrate on the funny things she said, the fun times you had, the special things she did for you, etc. It always helps to remember the good. Hope you have thousands of them to think of and talk about.

God Bless, and prayers,


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I wanted to add my condolences to those already expressed. You and your sisters will be in my prayers during this time of grief. I lost my Mom 14 years ago and my Dad 10 years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't think about them and miss them. With the passing of time, it's not as painful, and I have great memories of them that make me smile.

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Oh Kath, I am so sorry that your Mum isn't here on earth with you anymore, I do believe that she's up in heaven watching you, pain free and restored to her healthy self. Remember all the good times and the love. May God give you strength to get through your sadness and loss. (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) from Pennsylvania, USA!

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