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NQR weight loss

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I find that I feel best when I do the vegan thing. I start my day with a yummy shake....carrot juice, banana, blueberries, flax meal, and lots of spinach all blended up together. At first, a radical diet change is not very appealing, but after a few weeks it seemed that my taste buds worked better or something because plain veggies and fruit became very appealing.

Keep up the good work everyone and don't think about the foods your missing, but rather the years your adding along with the added energy too.


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I've been trying out Joy Bauer's on-line program. She is the health person on the today show. I've lost 6 pounds in first two weeks. I find every day I learn new things about food, and appreciate that she promotes eating real food and drinking lots of water. :)

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Heidi, I am so glad you started this thread. I was finally ready to start losing weight, you have to be ready, and I lost 17 pounds in the last 2 months! I feel so good, and it is so fun to go shopping. I really dreaded going shopping for new clothes. I did it the old fashioned way by counting calories, I go to the gym before work and try to walk during my lunch break. I feel so good!!

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I can identify with most all of you in the weight gain/loss unending stories. I am now in my 50's and never has it been so hard! I try to watch my portions, eat healthy, do have a sweet tooth, like diet coke, luckily have never drank coffee though but unless I walk miles each week it does not come off. I also go to Curves but may not keep it up as I am not seeing much results. Recently, found out my knees are bone on bone and too young for replacement. The Dr. said I should be in tremendous amount of pain and not walking but was impressed I am so active and it doesn't hurt that much unless I overdue it--believe me I am careful with them. But granted some mornings are slow and miles are less often. Anyway, I just keep trying. It doesn't help having my college kids home for the summers--they take just so much healthy eating and then they start to complain or fix the meals themselves. It is easiest to watch my diet during the school year when I have the house to myself.

Shana, you do have it exactly right!!! Moderation and fresh foods and exercise. Mmmmm...just what my mom used to preach. Thanks for everybody's inspiration, it is motivating. I need that as a cruise and daughter's wedding are a year away.

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Guest Linda S

I think when we're younger, we think we are invincible. Even though we know we should diet and try to look good, we're not really thinking of our health. When we get (ahem) older, we realize we really do need to take care of our health. I dieted my way right up to about 260 lbs back in 2007. I tried and tried to lose the weight and finally had a gastric bypass. I know a lot of people think it's the "easy way out." Well, it's anything but easy. I did lose an amazing 85 pounds, but have gained a little back. That's when all heck broke loose. I developed something called nesidioblastosis -- it happens (rarely) to gastric bypass patients, and is a proliferation of insulin-producing tumors of the pancreas. I eat, my blood sugar goes up (as does everyone's), my brain says "send insulin" and I get a flood of it. My blood sugar crashes and I either fall asleep or pass out. Lovely. Well, the worst of it is, if your blood sugar gets too low, you can become comatose or die. Blood sugar should be between 80-100. I've had mine as low as 23. My doc is amazed I was conscious. So. I eat protein - fish, meat, poultry, protein shakes, and vegetables and some fruits. As those of you who read the Wheat Belly book have discovered, whole grains are nothing but sugar rocks with some vitamins. I can't have any bread, pasta, rice, flour, grains of any kind. No ice cream, cakes, cookies, etc. You know, if you have the condition I have, after a while, you don't even want those things. They've made me ill enough that my stomach just sort of churns when I look at them! Still -- I do struggle with my weight. The high insulin makes me crave carbs and it does try to store just about every calorie I eat, so exercise is key. Thankfully, I have a dog. We walk about 3 miles a day 4 times a week and take it out to about 6 to 8 miles once or twice during the week. He loves it, but I really need it. I refuse to go into old age as a fat unhealthy woman!

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Originally posted by hmerrill

LOL wouldn't it be great if we could use our treadmills and run the millie at the same time? Now there would be a big seller!:P:P:P

You can with IQ!!!! :P I have my treadmill right next to the machine.

Congrats on the weight loss Heidi and all. Sorry about the IQ joke, I couldn't resist.

Weight has always been a constant struggle for me, I have found that the Atkins approach is what works best for me. I love anything carbs and when I eat that way, I just blow up, so lean meats and veggies for me.

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Great thread. I've been trying to lose 20+ pounds for two years. I started an online diet, lost 5 pounds and it stopped. This year I started WW, lost 5 pounds and it stopped. So I stopped. :-(((

When I was very young, the pediatrician put me on a weight loss diet when I was 7 years old, and again at 9. So I learned healthy eating early. In my teens and twenties it was easy to drop a few pounds in a week. But gradually got harder, until now I'm in my 50's and finding it nearly impossible.

Thanks for the motivation! I'm letting it sink in, maybe I'll get jump started too:D

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Originally posted by Anne from Guam

Last December my doctor told me that I needed to figure it out and lose the weight. And those words have stuck with me, I NEED TO FIGURE IT OUT....

.......That's what I have figured out so far...

:) I'll bet your doctor is very proud of you! :) (I am too)

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Originally posted by lisae

For those of you who are into working out, check out CrossFit.

Lisa my son is a CrossFit coach, he would love to hear you recommend it! He is a great eater, although he does change his habits for special occasions but he says he feels the difference right away. My DIL is a horrible eater. Thankfully Kailey is eating more like her Daddy. She loves her veggies.

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Originally posted by dlnewell

Congrats Heidi! Are you able to exercise? I have the Turbo Jam series of dvds from beachbody. I've been doing them for over 5 years now. I used to walk regularly, but started experiencing hip joint pain. I tried the Turbo Jam and it is definitely a total body workout. I firmed up and lost inches noticeably above my waist and on my back where I've always had those annoying bulges from my bra.

I was exercising before the reset but you can't while on it so happily gave it up. LOL Now that I'm done I started the 10 min. beachbody series. I can work that in no matter what. 10 exercises that target a specific area. My goal is to do at least 1 a day but I'm shooting for 2 before work. Then I'll hit the gym 3 days a week to get a good cardio workout. I'm 3 days in now.

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Originally posted by dlnewell

I have the Turbo Jam series of dvds from beachbody. I've been doing them for over 5 years now. I used to walk regularly, but started experiencing hip joint pain. I tried the Turbo Jam and it is definitely a total body workout.

How is the Turbo Jam series on the knees? I tried to view a clip on the computer but couldn't get it to come up. I need to minimize impact and twisting of the knee.

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I just finished a 12 week program called "The Hunger Within". It is a book available on line (google the book title) and the author, Marilyn Migliore, was the leader of the workshops. She is on staff at University of Michigan. It isn't a diet program rather a look at WHY some of us eat. I have a minor in Psyche so it was very intersting to me. I know I'm an emotional eater and was trained that way from a young age!!! Skin your knee? Oh poor baby. have a cookie!!! Happy? Celebrate with food!!! Sad? Console yourself with food!!! You see what I mean I'm sure!!! The program was really good. There are exercises to do in each chapter. I have to admit sometimes it was just too emotional to dealve into as much as I could have but I'll never binge eat again without knowing why!!! Sort of takes the fun out of that bingeing on whatever!!! I'm not yet ready to binge on veggies but have changed a few things and it is a process!!!

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Guest Linda S

Lots of good points here. Congratulations to those of you have been successful at getting weight off and, even more so, to those of you who have managed to keep it off. Debbie - you are so right about emotional eating. Another thing we all seem to do, and I am especially guilty, is we eat when we are actually thirsty. I have an insulated Weight Watchers beverage container (probably holds about a quart) and I've been filling it with iced tea or water and a lot of ice a couple of times a day and taking it up to my studio with me. This accomplishes two things. It keeps me hydrated, and I get some exercise running up and down the stairs to the bathroom! :D

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Oh, I am a stress eater, too............I am doing better about recognizing it and telling myself "NO" you don't need that. I try to push the water, iced tea, Crystal Light lemonade and also have a big WW mug that I keep filled and near me. I carry it down to the quilting machine, but thankfully, I do have a potty down there. haha

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Linda, also keep lifesavers and hard candies on hand. I don't chew gum but maybe you do just remember to count the calories even a ten calories can add up quick, I saw a chart of what an average cook/chef will sample during the preparation of a meal and it added up well over 500 calories and over 700 during holiday meals! so watch nibbling!

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Originally posted by VIVIANMABLE

..Heidi, I agree that the prepared foods in the freezer sections are horrible. Even the WW products and other brands are high in carbs and sodium. Not healthy at all. Very little protein in them.

My husband works out of town all week and is home on the weekends so during the week I am on my own for food, however, I'm not that fond of cooking so I have a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a salad with chopped ham and a little cheese for lunch then a WW frozen meal for dinner. I figured the WW dinners would be a healthy option for me. I guess not. I use deli meat at lunch because I don't have to cook it. I guess it's no wonder my weight loss came to a grinding halt. What can I eat that doesn't require lots of cooking?

You all have such great stories to tell here. Thank you for sharing.

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I find for me that cooking is really hard when it is just me. I have been trying to cook double meals so that I only have to cook once and eat it for 2 or 3 meals. I am getting better about cooking double for things like brown rice and veggies, then I just have to heat them up even when hubby is home and throw something quick on the grill. You could also cook an extra chicken breast and cut it up for your salad. I'm trying to stay away from carbs from wheat/flour as much as possible so cereal has been replaced with fruit and yogurt or eggs and fruit or even oatmeal and fruit. I also like protein shakes as a meal replacement when I'm in a super big hurry.

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Debbie, I'm with Heidi on this one. i cook extra as well, so I don't have to cook as often. Deli ham is probably one of the worst with all the sodium, etc. If you must, get the rotiserie turkey breast from the deli, or cook several chicken breasts at once and then reheat for your salad. That is my fav. when hubby is out of town.

For breakfast, cereal is again, probably your worst thing. You could hardboil some eggs ahead of time and then eat one a day. Or smoothies... I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk, ice, blueberries and unsweetened soy protein that I get from the vitamin shoppe. the almond milk and protein powder have 0 carbs, very few calories and the protein keeps you full longer than anything with carbs.

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We are so blessed to have so many resources to help us find what works. If there was only one way to diet and lose weight we'd all be successful, right? This is what I'm working on...


Dr. Hassell has some great ideas and they do work. It's the mind over matter that is so difficult to manage.

When he recommends portion control BEFORE eliminating certain foods from the diet, this is what I do...

I dish up my plate as usual, then I eat only 3/4 of what is on my plate. The leftovers are saved for the next meal...or DH eats it. After a while I learned what portion works for me.

IF we are eating reasonable portions of Good Foods, and exercising moderately, and getting plenty of rest, we should be healthy and not have to worry about dieting.

Now, if only I can stop making and eating these delicious Southern Fried Pies!!! :o) Thank you Aunt Martha!


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Great job girls!! I am proud of you for sticking to your diets and exercise programs. I am happy for all of you. I am struggleing. I have 65 #s to lose. My doctor is constantly on me to take it off. I fight depression and alot of the meds I am on affect the liver. I use that as an excuse and that is what it is...an excuse. I need to cut back on the meat and pasta add more fruits and veggies to my diet. I also need to exercise more. We just got back from vacation, where we did a lot of walking. I feel much better. I am going to dust off my treadmill and plan to use it everyday. But that is still not an all over body workout. I need to get serious and cut to the chase!! You are all an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work!!

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