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NQR Besides quilting what makes your day?

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Exactly that!  Grace, our DGD, now knows that we are "Gama, and Gampa"!   You're right, it doesn't get any better than that!  (Just wish we lived closer than 3 hr!)

I'd almost kill for 3 hours!  I'm 13 - 14 hours away!  Kills me.  I only see her every 3 or 4 months if that and she changes so much.  Wish I won the lottery so I could fly down whenever I wanted.

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I love seeing my Grandchildren, too. I am fortunate to live less than an hour away from my daughter so I get to visit them several times a week.

Today is Daniel's 2nd birthday, so we are going there for dinner and a little birthday party. I am so looking forward to all the hugs and kisses from those three sweet children!

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My kids. My week is pretty full. Track practice for the older girls, wrestling for the boys, guitar and piano practice for middle three, reading/homework for all seven. We start at 630 in the morning...end around 1030pm. I try to quilt in the day as I get time.

Am I happy? Smiling?

You betcha! I love my life. My kids want us involved in everything they do. I love that!

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No Grandchildren yet here......waiting. :rolleyes:  I don't get to see much of my Son or Daughter due to our work schedules, but enjoy the time when we do. I have my two dogs (a Scottie and a Teddy Bear) that bring me much joy and entertainment.  I also enjoy watching all the winter birds at my feeders.

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My children are wonderful, but hanging with my peeps - my flock of chickens that is, always makes my day!  I have mostly Polish (the ones with the poofy feathers on their head -- look them up online, you'll chuckle!)  They are so sweet and each is full of their own personality.  Some are friendly and want to hop on my lap and cuddle, others are more shy but once I grab them up, they love the snuggles too. 


Just sitting and watching them peck and scratch just calms and relaxes me.  I can't wait for warmer weather when I get to take a lawn chair and some embroidery out there more often.  My kids accuse me of liking the chickens better - that's not true, but I do remind them that the chickens don't sass me and they keep their "room" clean too, LOL! 

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No grandchildren yet - my DD is still single and getting ready to finally flee the nest (she came back after college)! We have just moved and my temporary work came to an end just in time for us to move house so I'm enjoying having her around while we get this new house set up. In April she is leaving Vermont for Portland, OR and cosmetology school.  Hmmm..... MQX west?  Moxies - can I visit?


What will make me most happy is having my studio up and running. Not there yet but getting organized. I'll try and post photos.

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I agree Heidi!  I loved loved being a mom when my kids were growing up.  We had so much fun as a family and we laughed and laughed our way through all the years!  My husband and both kids are both very funny!  Now I love when Cade holds his arms out to me and when Meredith comes in smiling and gives me a hug.  The very best is when I get to pick her up from school and she comes out with that big ole smile and gives me a great big hug.  Now, 2nd to that I love when my husband gets home from work each day and walks through that back door..  My whole day brightens up.  Then 3rd, I love my dog kisses and I love watching them play.

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Some of the funny things our grandkids say..............DD took off work early to go home because of the weather.........when she got there, her 10 yr old asked how she got to come home early.........DD told her because the weather and roads were getting bad........so DGD said "well, if you had to use a vacation day, you better go back, as we need those for the summer !"    haha    To clarify.........DD recently went back to work after being a stay at home Mom for 10 years, so they have been working out the logistics of days off from school, summer vacation, etc.   haha    



Somehow this post landed under another topic ????   
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Lots in this world can bring you down, and I have recently refocused on my prayer life. I don't always post that I am praying for those who ask, but I always add them to my list.  I get to include all my kids, (No grandkids....yet) and those in need and that brings me peace.  My quiet time in the morning really helps me. Spending a few minutes in the morning with the Lord always makes my day! 

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Children, especially babies are a Joy!

My great nephew was at a restaurant with us and ended up playing under the table. At the end of dinner, we were passing around some chocolate and one of the adults reached under the table and popped a piece of chocolate in the little guy's mouth. My nephew comes out from under the table with huge eyes and whispers to me...There is chocolate in my mouth!!!

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I'd almost kill for 3 hours!  I'm 13 - 14 hours away!  Kills me.  I only see her every 3 or 4 months if that and she changes so much.  Wish I won the lottery so I could fly down whenever I wanted.

Ouch!!!!  That is a killer!   I'll quit feeling sorry for myself. 

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No grand kids yet... What makes my day is spending time with my husband and sons. When the weather is nice I enjoy being outside and soaking up nature. Headed to Lancaster tomorrow to fabric shop...can't wait! That's the next best thing besides family, quilting and nature! :) :) :)

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Ouch!!!!  That is a killer!   I'll quit feeling sorry for myself. 

LOL LeeAnn you can still feel sorry for yourself!  I keep thinking I will adjust to my son living so far away but I haven't, its been 7 years now I think.  It gets harder and harder for me to go back to NY but then my daughter is there and I'd feel the same way about her and lets not forget about Madison.  I guess I'm destined to be in between homes  :huh:.  Had another great afternoon with Kailey.  I'm trying to enjoy what I get but I want to be selfish and have it all!

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I have 4 GD and 1 GS, (2) 20 miles away see them 2x month and they have been here for 9 years. The other 3 GD live 9 hours away in Louisiana.  Working so much, I am missing out on a lot of what the Girls in LA do  I live through pictures  Like everyone, having them run up to you and give you a big hug makes your day.  And now getting text from the LA group is so cool.  They grow up so fast.  It feels like It was just yesterday I was smocking dresses for the my oldest GD will be 14 in May. 


Wow - time is moving too fast. 

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Normally I would put down my grand kids....but they all live hundreds of miles away so I don't get to see them as often as I would like.  I guess I would have to say my animals... I have dogs, cats and horses....draft horses, that have the most incredible personalities :lol: they keep me very entertained and it is so refreshing to be with them.  They say having animals is quite therapeutic and I would have to agree with that. :)

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