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PattyJo, My prayers are with you and your family. I know the strain that is on your family and wish I could "fix it" also like Shannon. God knows what is best but sometimes it is hard for us to hear.

God be with you and your family and know all of the quilting family are with you in spirit. Judi

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Oh Patty Jo, I have tears in my eyes as I write this. Hold on tight to this time. It is precious as are all the prayers so many of us on this site have for you and Bill. You know that you are loved by so many and hopefully that love can help sustain you and Bill through this very difficult time......... Take care of yourself. You will need your strength.

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Patty Jo,

Why was it that this entire last weekend as I thought about you & Bill, I was truly dreading today and some how I knew what you were going to tell us? I don't even know what I could possibly say to help you feel better. All I can say is Pat, you, lady, are so very brave and strong as a wife and mother should be. I can tell you have peace in your heart. I am so sad, but also so proud of you, Pat. As little tears well up in my eyes and my heart aches, I say many prayers for your family, I thank you for accepting this terrible fact and for being brave for your husband. What a lucky guy he is to have you, Patty Jo. Your husband must be so proud to have such a strong wife to be there for him. Women are so strong in the soul when they need to be. I wish I could say something more and do something for you, but what I wrote is all that is coming from my heart. (((sending hugs and love and many prayers)))

Miracles happen. Have faith and peace and cherish and celebrate these days you have together.

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PattyJo, this just something to think about but.....The Doctors are doing everything they can do for Bill and you are taking care of him and his needs as well. What is being done for you? Are friends and neighbors helping with food and chores? Have you been to the Dr. to see if there is something that can be done to help you through this awful time? I ask this because as I teach sick children sometimes the caregivers forget about themselves and they are needful and hurting too. Please, please, take care of yourself in all this. Get the medical help you need, the rest you need and the mental health you need. I will be praying for Bill and for you because in 3-4 weeks Bill will be well and happy and you will be left hurting. Hugs, Sylvia

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Patty Jo,

I know you and Bill are surrounded by your loving family and by your exteded church family. It is so good to have your church at a time like this. I know they have stepped up to help you move when you needed help, and I know they are with you now, helping wherever they can. Just lean on them, let them help, and you spend as much time as you can with Bill.

You know I am praying for you both. And you know if you need me I am just a phone call away...I can hop on a plane and be there in no time.

Love ya!!

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Hi Patty Jo,

How sad to hear that Bill's health is failing. Embrace the sadness and allow yourself to grieve. Hold each other dearly as long as you can. Make the time special and make memories that are sweet. Find some humor to ease the pain. . .and shed those big tears--it's all "normal". You have many many friends who are sending prayers, myself included.

Chat with us when you feel like it. We'll be here for you.

I thank God you have family and church to lean upon.

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Patty Jo;

I am so sorry you got this news, I was praying that Bill would have been the one to beat this...he has been giving it the good fight. Lean on your family and neighbors as much as possible in the weeks ahead and don't hesitate to ask the hospice workers questions, day or night, they were a true God send when we were going through this earlier in the year.


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Patty Jo, I am so sorry that you find yourself in this spot. I went thought the same a few years ago. When the oncologist told us my husband's prognosis, I totally lost it. We thought he had a year, he passed away 2-3 weeks later. Not even time for hospice. My boys were 10,12 and 14 at the time. I wish you were closer so I could come over and help. Even though we've never met and we don't live near each other, please don't hesitate to ask for help. When it gets tough just remember to breathe. Just focus on today, don't worry about tomorrow. I do want to ask you if you have a recent picture of you and your husband together. I have one that was taken of us and even though my husband looked pale and was quite thin it's the picture I found my self looking at most often. It's hard Patty Jo, and it really stinks, but you'll get through it. My thought and prayers are with you and your family.


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Patty Jo,

I don't post often, as you can see... but I have been keeping up on your posts about Bill. I am so deeply saddened to hear this news. You feel as if you've come to know the people you read about here. I have said many prayers for you and Bill, and will continue to do so. Enjoy the precious time you have together, reminisce, and say the things you need to! You have a strong family, friends, and church, and you have your quilting family here... just know that we are all sending you the strength to get through this, and all our prayers are with you at this time. Take care of yourself... and God bless you and Bill.


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Patty Jo,

I'm new to this site, but as I have read through these posts I can't help but feel the love everyone has for each other. This is what helps us each through the difficult times in life. You are facing something I dread, each one of us dreads.

Dianne-thanks for being right there, you have been there and know this pain as no one else does unless they have lost their own dear husband.

Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.


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Patty, Many thoughts and prayers are being sent your way for both Bill and you and your children. May God wrap you all tightly in in loving arms and carry you through. You and Bill have said many prayers for me and Daniel and I can't thank you enough for that, I will return the favor and continuely pray for you both.

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You all are making me feel so loved and humble at the same time. Thank you all for your words of wisdom, support and for your words in prayer to the Father in our behalf. I'm sorry to say that I haven't been to the Dr since this all started 1 1/2 yrs ago, so I'm going to be making that appointment today, getting caught up on all those "female" tests they do and I vow to be a good girl and do what the Dr says. Thanks again for everyway that your support is being shown to us. :cool:

Now a few words from Bill -- To all of you who have prayed for us over the last several months, thank you for all your encouraging words & kind thoughts. We greatly appreciate the support and we are humbled by so many responses. I wish it were possible for us to meet you and give you a hug. May God's blessings be given to everyone of you

Here is a picture of Bill so that you all know who you have been praying for......


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