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So we are now at MQX - in Manchester -

Amy (yes, OUR AMY) was teaching her APQS maintenance class and half way thru the class - while demoing the "hook assembly" section of the machine.......

GETS HER FINGER CAUGHT IN THE HOOK......with horrified students watching.

Yes, of course...I am posting a photo.

So - ER room, 15 vicodin, and 3 stitches later.....

Ladies and Gentleman, I give you.....AMY'S FINGER INJURY...


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Originally posted by KarenMcTavish

if that's all it takes to get 15 vicidan....well, let's just say I am fighting myself from sticking my finger in a moving hook assembly......

I ALWAYS have vicodin...they're a staple for endurance rides. Ask my nicely and I might share......:D

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So very sorry Amy, that you must suffer so. a pillow on your tummy, your hand on the pillow will help.

Himself ran his dsm needle into his finger.. guess it jabbed a few times before it stopped, leaving him yelling OW, OW, OW, OW, OW, OW, and on and on. By the time I got there, and asked which way to turn it, and tried to raise the presser foot (onto his impaled finger) he told me the wrong way and I turned it per his instructions. Was not funny. just hysterical, as his first comment was, my shots are all up to date.

heal fast and don't bump it.


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