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NOR Prayers Please

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Our beautiful daughter ,ROXANNA, has cancer in both of her

breasts and will be going through a double mastsectomy this


Our hearts are breaking for her. Would you please enclude her in your prayers. She needs all the help she can get, that they will get all the cancer and she will be OK.

I am so thankful for this wonderful forum to be able to turn to in our time of need. I love you one and all.


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You Bet I will. I am so sorry to hear this. We are currently, in our local guild, decorating bra's to raffle off at the fair in Oct. the proceeds will go to Breast Cancer Research..

Please, accept hugs and loves from me.. this breaks my heart too. God Bless the Dr.ss and medical staff, guide their minds hands and hearts in caring for her the best way anyone possibly can, and hold you and your family in His hands during the trying time.


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Oh this breaks my heart when I hear things like this. I cannot even imagine going through something this horrible. But with the grace of God, the love of family and the modern science and technology that doctors have, I know that she will endure and overcome and survive and succeed and become an even better human being from this. I say prayers and will hold all women in my thoughts that go through this.

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May you and your family have peace and strength through this. And because of this surgery, may you be blessed with many, many years together. I know this hurts you, and that breasts are beautiful and serve a purpose, but without them, I pray that Roxanna is able to have a long, productive, fun-filled life.

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Thank you all for your prayers, kind words and hugs.

We have been praying constantly since we found out, but it sure makes me feel better knowing you are praying with us.

This is her third bout with cancer.

The time for her surgery is scheduled for 10 Am. She is three hours ahead of us here in WA. so that will be 7 Am our time.

With special love and thanks.


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