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NQR spending your Birthday all alone

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Happy Birthday to you!!!:)

You can look at it like the glass is half full.... or half empty.... it's all in the way you think about it.... turn it around and think this is the best day because you can quilt all day long without interruptions and you have this great BIG APQS family out here to share your joy with. Take yourself out for a nice birthday lunch or dinner, treat yourself to a new quilty toy and enjoy your day. Know that we are all sending you great big birthday quilty hugs and 62 is pretty darn good..it's better than the alternative! Happy Birthday!

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You are never alone, especially in the APQS Family!!!!

Keep your chin up and have a wonderful day!!!! You deserve it.

Okay, Here is my best Singing Voice,.....;)




HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have a great Day~!!!!


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I agree with Nadia, make it a great day, pamper yourself, quilt, shop for quilt goodies, buy a new pattern, go to your LQS and enjoy eye candy, but most of all just enjoy your day. Drop by this forum more often and tell your APQS family what you're up to.

I can't sing as well as Laura, but I wish you a very happy birthday and good health and happiness forever.


Linda :)

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Edie, I'm going to be 62 February 26. Finally, the government is going to give me some money. Of course social security doesn't start until the end of March, but that will be extra money for MQX.

Do something special. Buy those small bags of mixed snacks or packages of crackers from a Sam's club or Costco's and give them out at an old age home. They'll be so happy it will make your day! I bet you get more happy birthdays than anyone else this year. Just be careful to get things a diabetic can eat.

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I, too, am one of those who, for some reason or other, never has a "happy" birthday. So I have just learned to accept it, and every once in a while when I have a spectacular day, I just decide to call that day my birthday and remember it on my next real birthday.

My best friend and her husband and their daughter were murdered in their beds when she was 40. I have had 29 years she never had, so let the years roll on. I'm thankful for every one.

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Happy Birthday from Iowa!!:D:D

I've been divorced now for almost 13 yrs. I was a strange one, I enjoyed my time alone. I could do what I wanted, when I wanted and where I wanted, without anyone telling me any different. Check out you LQS, go treat yourself for dinner at a place you've been dying to try out. The first time I did that all by myself, I was seated next to a table of "barely dry behind the ears" office gals. Just listening to them talk about their day and their life made me laugh. They sounded like a bunch of teenagers.

You will be fine. You are still very young. You have a long life ahead of you with all sorts of adventures ahead. You have a great support system here. I'm new, but I can tell that everyone here really loves you!

I hope you have a great day!! You have a lot to look forward to!!

Sheryl :D:D:D:D

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May God bless you,

May God bless you,

May God ble-ess you-ou,

May God bless you.

We always had that version of Happy birthday sung to us for our birthday, so now when I am in other circles and they sing, it just never feels "done" until the second verse. So Edie, May God bless you with peace, enjoyment, and comfort for many years to come.

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