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We have had a good turn for David. The Dr. told us several days ago that he would not live but a few more days...the MRI showed that the 20 percent of the tumor that had to be left had already grown to almost the size it was when he preformed surgery. He told us this 2 days after the second surgery was preformed. MRI yesterday showed the tumor is still growing but only a small bit. David has not had a headache in 24 hours, he is moving his right side, and is wanting a cheeseburger. Today Physical therapy was working with him and he has been moved from ICU into a private room. We will take all the small steps that we can get. Again I want to thank you for the prayers and kind words. Please continue with the prayers for him...there is a long way to go and we know this terrible disease can go south in a heart beat.

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Guest Linda S

I'm so glad to hear he wants a cheeseburger! Wanting to eat is a really good sign. I'm hoping the tumor only swelled like the brain did and will eventually shrink back down in size. I'm really pulling for this kid. God bless him with strength for healing!

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saundra - thanks for keeping us informed - i know you must be wildly busy just trying to keep your head above water.

savor these good times with him. it is a gift.

and i hope he enjoyed a cheeseburger with all the fixins.

continued prayers and positive thoughts.....

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