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This is an old Post.....I've jammed up my Millie!

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

I am proud of you for your bravery and for sharing the journey. I know you will fix this and will be a hero. I see a happy ending in sight.

Well, you didn't think I was going to do this on my own did you...lol...?????

Thanks everyone for your ideas and encouragement.....it is really appreciated!

Well...have to say the surgery was a little tricky....that needle was not going to budge.....I tried.....DH tried.....I tried again!!!

I had to admit defeat and take the bobbin assembly to my Son's workshop where he held the outer stainless steel casing (minus hook etc) in a vice and gave a sharp tap which turned the bobbin basket in the opposite direction making the bobbin assembly work in a backwards motion to release the needle.....I have to admit I was talking to my Grandchildren and didn't even know he had popped outside to the workshop.... when he handed it back I thought he was saying it was going to be too tricky....but it was already done! He is so smart!!!

Have to admit I thought it was going to be in there forever!!!!

Now it's all put back in the machine....at the moment I don't think there is any damage....we'll see.....I think I've timed it....but will now have to wait for fuses to arrive in the post on Monday.....not a fuse to be had like that in town this morning....I'll have to stock up with fuses...then I'm sure I won't need them!

Thanks again Guys...you are the best!!!

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Thanks for the drama. This was way more intense and interesting than "Gray's Anatomy" show was last week. I loved the surgical nurse picture too...so appropriate and funny. I'm glad you got the needle tip out and I have put this in my favorites for when this happens to me. I found my needle tip in my quilt seam, but this will be for the time when I don't. I'm sure your machine will be purring when you get her fuses back in.

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Hey Kay,

Just noticed your problem and I'm glad you got it fixed. I'm not sure if I would have put the hook back on right a way after getting it loose. My theory has always been, always have a spare hook that you can swap out in these cases. On monday you should order another spare hook and maybe another to be on the safe side. Oh by the way, you might want to try only using the chrome needles because they make less of a mess when something like this happened. The gold needles are much stronger then the chrome and cause much more damage also.


Make sure you look closely at your hook to make sure it is not bent or warpped. If the needle got stuck behind in where the thread goes, your going to have future prblems with thread breakage. Nicks can occur in there when this happens. Just a thought for you next time. Keep it cool there and have another shrimp.

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Wow,I just read this thread and must say you sure had a mess Kay! But you did a great job with assembling your hook again....I was shocked to see how many pieces it has when it comes apart. Just think now how much you have learned and will never be worried again about resetting your timing! I sure hope you never have to go through this again but thanks for sharing with us....who knew a needle tip could get stuck in there?

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not a fuse to be had like that in town this morning....I'll have to stock up with fuses...then I'm sure I won't need them!

Thanks again Guys...you are the best!!!

This is SO true ~ it does seem to work that way!

I have learned though to keep an extra Hook assembly on hand. When I need to put in a new one, I then order one. When you break those needles now and then, and it does happen - you never know which one might really screw things up!

Usually happens to me on Thanksgiving weekend - during the busy season!! :D

Glad to hear you were able to put everything back in place - hope your machine will be up and running smooth ~ soon!

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Glad all seems to be well with your machine, those needles are a pain (assuming you bought at the same place I bought thread) as they don't stock the ordinary ones, it is an easy mistake to make.

Best wishes for a speedy and painfree recovery


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Originally posted by UK Liz

Glad all seems to be well with your machine, those needles are a pain (assuming you bought at the same place I bought thread) as they don't stock the ordinary ones, it is an easy mistake to make.

Best wishes for a speedy and painfree recovery


Yes Liz that's the place and actually when I bought mine I am sure they were not advertised as titanium....I wasn't looking for titanium!

Live and learn....often the hard way!

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  • 11 months later...
Originally posted by Borderline Quilter

Have a margarita or two for for me...it's jammed good and proper....I've just watched the timing video...but it's not just the timing, I'll have to take off the whole bobbin assembly too and see if I can get that needle point out with out too much damage....

I didn't intend to buy titanium needles....they came as a bit of a mix up/confusion and I thought I would try one to see how it went....I was just going to finish quilting this row of blocks ...just another two blocks and then change the needle...guess I should have changed it straight away when I thought about it!!!!

Never again will I use titanium needles!!!!!

That is what happened to me. I had no intention of trying them. I ordered needles from my usual supplier and that is what was shipped!! I have used several with no problems....then this!

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I use both titanium and chrome needles, and have had no more problems with titanium than with the chrome needles. I like the titanium because they are stiffer, and remain sharp a lot longer than the chrome. I understand the titanium are more inclined to break when you over stress them than the chrome. The chrome are more inclined to bend, but they too do break. The titanium with stand greater stress than the chrome. I use the chrome simply because a fairly large assortment of them came with my machine when I bought it, and when I need a needle that is a different size than the 4.0's titanium that I usually use. I don't intend on buying any more chrome needles. I will use the titanium most all the time.

I'm posting this because I think the titanium needles are getting a bum rap here. Everyone can choose to use which ever needle they like best. There are desirable and undesirable characteristics to both. I like the economy of the titanium needles and the stiffness that comes with the needle. I've broken both types, and don't really see any difference. I like not having to change needle as often. My guess is that because the titanium needles break instead of bending, that they cause less damage to the machine components, but I have no clinical evidence to that effect. Maybe they do jam the hook up more often, I don't know, but I'll bet the needle plate is damaged more often by a bent needle. Anyway that's my humble opinion on the subject. Jim

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