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This year's Christmas poem written by my Uncle Bob in Wibaux Montana

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I want to share this. I know you will appreciate it.

Just recieved this from my Aunt Kay. She was born and raised in Montana. She's married 50 years to a cattle rancher and they live on the eastern border of Montana. Uncle Bob is one of those Cowboy Poets and he writes songs and has a few CDs with his music. I love his stuff. Here is what he wrote this year. Even if you're not a cowboy, you will like the simplicity of this poem and it captures the true spirit of Christmas. Enjoy. Love, Shana


It’d been a long cold Christmas eve and Santa needed rest.

He was headin North, a-goin home, from somewhere way out West.

He was over the big Montana Plains, where the ranches are scattered and few,

When he saw a yard light twinkling from a cow ranch that he knew.

He’d stopped at this place in the past to let his reindeer blow,

There’s a shed to hide em under, to get em out of the snow.

The old couple had gone to their grand-kids, they told him they’d be gone,

But they said “That don’t matter, you just make yourself at home.

There’s grain and hay to feed your deer, the doors don’t have no locks,

There’s a pot of coffee on the stove, and firewood in the box.”

So Santa landed there and fed his deer, and he went on inside,

To warm his feet, and relax a bit, before he finished up his ride.

He found some Christmas cookies and a pot of coffee, like they said,

Then as he looked around, some things he saw, warmed his heart and filled his head,

With thoughts about these ranch folks, that old cowman and his wife,

How they were blessed with what they have, and how they lived their life.

He saw some Christmas cards on the table, that came from all their friends.

Showing manger scenes, and Angels, and “Peace on Earth, Good will to Men.”

Then he saw a Bible opened to Luke –Chapter 2, and the story of a Savior

Sent to save the World and make it new.

The tale of the first Christmas, and how it all began,

And the greatest gift of all, that came from GOD to man.

Then it was time for Santa to leave and get home before break of day

The sky way over in the East was already turning gray.

He got his reindeer headed out, then leaned back in the sleigh.

Like good old saddle horses, those reindeer knew the way.

Santa let his thoughts drift back to all those folks who live out on the land,

And he said “Those folks have got it right, and they sure do understand.

They all go help each other, no matter what the task,

And how they’re going to get paid back, they never even ask.

They’ll help a stranded traveler, and send him on his way

They’ll feed a hungry stranger, and never ask for pay.

If everyone around the World, lived by their cowboy code,

It would make my job lots easier, and lighten up my load.

I could concentrate on orphaned kids and folks with real need

And not be just delivering stuff, to satisfy people’s greed.

Now I know tomorrow, Christmas will be safe again,

Not because of toys and Santa Claus, but from what’s in the hearts of man.”

Here’s a little Christmas poem for all our family and friends.

Have a Merry one! Bob and Kay Petermann Christmas 2011

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thanks for sharing Shana. It does bring back many memories from my childhood and being a farmers daughter. And its true, when trouble shows up, all the neighbors show up and do what they can to help you out. Good memories and good thoughts to all this Christmas season.

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