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Political Discussions: fallout?

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Many of you know me, and know I always try to think positively about everyone and have a positive outlook on life. Here's my question: although I have stayed out of the political discussion on this list, I cruised through the latest postings out of curiousity and wondered this (meant in the nicest way:):):):):):)):

Do the comments, either positive or negative, affect your impression of the fabulous quilters on this list? Sort of like that first impression you get when a customer shows up with a quilt. The first impression you get is what they are driving. How they are dressed, what their attitude is when you greet them. First impressions are huge. Does this happen when you read the remarks regarding politics on this list? Do you react inside when someone from another country makes negative remarks about the US? Do you react when someone you have respected as a quilter makes derogatory remarks about someone you respect? Would you have that in the back of your mind when you meet that quilter in person at some venue? Would it affect who you buy a machine from? Would it affect who you sit next to at Innovations dinner?

I am just wondering. These are questions I have had in my head since the first political discussion started. I intentionally don't read them because I don't want to be affected this way. After all, being human and a woman, sometimes emotions can get in the way, right? I want to always have the utmost respect for my fellow quilters, whether from the USA or other countries. I liked Laura's comment about each of us being like a tiny stitch in the quilt. An individual sitch or two might stick out, but they all work as a whole to make the quilt. It is so true of us humans too.


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Actually, no. I think discussions (chats in this case) are great because they give us the chance to learn and think of things from a different point of view. What does bother me though, is when someone is so intent with their own opinions, that there is no room for another persons opinion, no matter what the subject matter. The thread on this forum has not had that tone at all and I have enjoyed learning. I have felt that our members on this forum show great respect for one another, which in turn, makes me respect the members of this forum more and more. Not only are so many extremely creative, but they are bright, caring, thinking individuals that I would want to meet in person. I would more likely purchase a machine or do business with these wonderful people vs. someone who either doesn't say anything or says things behind ones back.

I have been a part of this forum for only a few months and continue to be impressed:D:D:D:D

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I completely agree. I did a quick search on a few of us who have had strong political opinions on this forum and wasn't surprised to see that at least one of us doesn't post unless it is a political debate. We will never ever agree on all things political and that's okay! I wish we could stick to quilting and families and positive topics. I'd like to sit by any of the people on this forum and be glad to be there and hope they'd like to sit by me too.

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I have avoided the political threads that have recently surfaced on the chat, mainly 'cause I have to argue constantly with extended family over politics, and it just ain't fun!:(

I only have so much time each day to spend on this chat, and I'd rather spend it either in quilty stuff or more social stuff (prayer requests, recipes, cool sunset pix, and all that), rather than get involved in the political part -- but that's my choice. I don't have any problem having those threads here on the chat, as long as no one holds it against me that I avoid them. I don't want to argue with my fellow longarmers!;)

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I completely understand what you are askng Nancy. I did the same search Sylvia! I really try not to fall into the "offended" trap. But when remarks begin to get personal, and potshots start flying I do get emotional. I don't think it would cause me to avoid someone, or not buy from them. I just try to keep in mind that we've all got that quilty thing going on so it's all good!

I've tried to stay out of it, and keep my mouth shut, and not be ugly. That said, I just made a post on the other thread and I'm not going to go back and change it. I've said it before, the NQR is there in the topic line, and the topics don't open unless we make them open. It's simply a case of not participating and moving on to something else. I love the interaction myself and the fact that we CAN discuss these things if we choose. I wonder if anyone would avoid me because of the Quilt Naked thread that actually started out about how a quilter who smokes could handle keeping the odor off of customers quilts? That one sure got ugly before it got funny. Or what about the thread about Karen's tatoos that someone didn't like and tried to turn the quilting world against her? You've asked a really good question!

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I realize that I may be one of the strong opinionated types - but I love political debates where EVERYONE COUNTS EQUALLY. I feel that everyone here can state their opinion and everyone can understand or at least agree to disagree. I enjoy the rallies back and forth. I can't do this with my family, it turns into a free for all argument. Here, I feel we can express without argument. My two cents worth.

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So, what did you all think of the vice-presidential debate last night....just kidding.:P

The other day I decided not to watch any more FOX News and watch the Minnesota Twins instead. Then they lost.:(

Now, I think I'll go back to watching old Doris Day movies...when life was simple and married people slept in twin beds on television.:D

Take care you guys!


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Originally posted by nineva

..........Do the comments, either positive or negative, affect your impression of the fabulous quilters on this list?

Nope! I love and appreciate and respect each and every one of you regardless of whatever you think or say that is not affilated with quilty stuff... including the strong opinions with political discussions :) Each of you deserve to believe and say whatever you want.

Shana (who is trying to keep an open mind and still hasn't decided who she's gonna vote for) :cool:

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I have to agree with Meg and Shana. I think the world is made up of different opinions and that is why there has been such close races in many of the last elections. I think it is interesting to see why people think the way they do and I respect their opinions even if I don't agree with them. I just hope that everybody can stay nice...I hate when things get nasty. There really isn't a need for it and if you have to resort to that to make your candidate of choice look better than isn't that saying something? We'll never all agree and I think that goes with anything, no matter the subject. Just think how it applies to quilting. I absolutely love applique and custom quilting...there are many that would argue that I'm nuts...ok maybe some already do but oh well I'll keep loving them! :D

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Do the comments, either positive or negative, affect your impression of the fabulous quilters on this list?

Absolutely not! I think discussion is good and healthy.

I post mainly on a private quilting message board and there have been a great number of political threads there. Unfortunately I felt like I was in the minority and was a bit hesitant to speak my mind. What I did do was my research so that when I finally got brave enough to speak up I was able to do it with respect and without attacking anyone. It has helped me to be a better, more informed voter and has inspired others to speak up too. We have had good discussions and while I don't think anyone has changed their mind, I think our eyes have been opened.

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Shana - i haven't decided either - but having a great time listening and learning:P I personally don't think we have good candidates on either side - so will just have to decide who is the least of the evils............. we will see - in the mean time, I just can't get upset over someone else's opinion as long as they are polite - forceful and definite is ok, rude is not..............

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Very good and thoughtful question.

There are undecided voters even on this chat. If expressed in an intelligent and articulate way, some of the issues may raise questions that others followup on. I am surprised that more people do not go to fact check the statements of the politicians. Suppositions and half truths are far more rampant in one party, but if you don't check, you don't know.

I have found that people often resemble the political party they espouse. They may be out for themselves, never supporting a public policy that helps those less fortunate, they may hide behind religion, their dealing with others may not always be on the up and up. It runs over to how they are as human beings.

There is a book out written by Jim Wallis, well worth the read... "God's Politics,Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left doesn't Get It" After reading this thoughtful book, which doesn't support one political party or another, it is an obvious choice for which party to support in this election.

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No I really was so pleasantly surprised about the first, long political topic that we had here. It was so wonderful to read and share our thoughts and opinions, until the potshots started and ruined it. I respect everyone's opinions, that doesn't mean I agree but I do respect your feelings beliefs. 99% of this group was so fair and even minded it just makes want to meet you all in person even more!

Thank you all for not being afraid to share your thoughts and for reading mine as well. This is what makes America, America!:cool:

BTW I did watch the entire debate last night and think it was interesting if not totally accurate on some of the facts!:o

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I'd hate to think that someone was actually keeping score and recording our opinions so that when we did meet they opened fire and recalled every little detail of our discussions. Whoa, that's a thought I don't want to come to reality. I read the opinions and discussions and promptly move on to the next thread. I don't try to connect a name with a face just to become prejudiced. My memory just doesn't have room for negative junk.

I love this forum and the people who contribute all the helpful information and beautiful quilts and that is what makes me excited about meeting all of you.

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Yes, it does change my perceptions of some of the people posting. I welcome information, but I find that some people are just venting. Anytime I see an opinion that is not backed up by facts I really wonder about the person posting. However, like any train wreck, it is somewhat fascinating and I find that I can't look away. I really don't think a political discussion is appropriate for this forum.

Janet Mohler

Colorado Springs

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Here's my 2 cents worth. I know who I'm voting for but I also know that the president doesn't have nearly as much power as we might think. Our senators and representatives are the real decision makers and they have done very little in the last few years to move our country in a positive direction. The gridlock in DC is something the president can't fix, but we voters can elect people who will work for the good of the country, not the good of their party. Their are people in both parties who spend all their time playing the blame game and that was obvious this past week.

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I've been thinking about this, too, and feel it's probably better to stick to quilting-type topics. For instance, there are three things people are not supposed to discuss at work--religion, sex, and politics. There's a reason for that. A lot of people are opinionated and don't want to hear what other people have to say and it can start problems.

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A bias based on ones political view?

Not for me with the ladies and gents on this forum. Lets face it this has not been a typical election cycle and people from both sides view it as a one that will shape the future. What you were reading in previous posts were the passion that comes from inside because of each of our beliefs/morals. We are all frustrated with how things are going and we all want things to improve for the future, the way we get there however is where the disagrement comes in but that is what makes our country work this is why we have elections this is why we have freedom of speech.

So when I come across someone that disagrees with my way of thinking I just chalk it up to being able to agree to disagree, nothing more nothing less.

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Debates and discussions are healthy for the mind; however, making fun of people and making ugly comments brings everyone down. There are many dialects across the U. S. I know professionals who say idea as idear putting a "r" sound at the end. Many French Cajuns in Louisiana say "axed" instead of "asked." As a matter of fact, my sister is deaf, and even deaf people sign with "dialects." So if we are going to discuss politics, religion or sex let's keep it to opinions.


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Oh GAble, Don't go!!!!! It's easy to avoid the political stuff. It's easily Identified by the subject line, just skip it!!! We'd hate to have you miss out on all the other good stuff just because some people choose to discuss the political stuff. I believe all the posts have been respectful and that is the main reason other lists might not allow these subjects. WE are so much a family here and family takes each other warts, political differences, and all. In my family, when we get tired of listing to my Dad worry about the political situation etc. We just gently, change the subject on him. That's what you can do here!!! Post on the quiltiing subjects and post pictues of your quilts and we'll all ohh and ahh over those and soon forget this polital stuff. I don't post my political opinions here but do read the stuff to see whats up. So far I haven't been disappointed by anyones manners.

I hope you just skip those subjects and stick with us!! We'll miss you if you go!!!

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Nancy: I agree with your thoughtful questions on this and I commend you for bringing this up.

I can get along with anyone until they start demeaning others' beliefs or comments, or use this forum as a polital platform. There is no need for that. I find that would color my thoughts about their posts later, and probably wouldn't buy anything from them. The posts that are for honest discussion, and have respect for other posts, even if it's of the opposite belief, are wonderful. We can be passionate about a belief without putting down someone else's belief.

I have to admit, when I meet a poster in person, all I know about them, usually, is from what they have posted. So in that sense, it would color my initial impression of them. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like someone because of that. It's just a first impression.

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