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Group Message) to those who care

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Fellow quilters, friends and just otherwise:

I've been so sick and in so much pain the last few weeks,including a 10 day stay

in the hospital.

Today I saw a new Dr.; several things were found. I was being tripple overdosed on one med and double on two

ntianxiety and depression meds: Some of the belly shots to prevent blood clots

in the leg during bed rest were given wrong. I now have a huge hematoma, or

blood clot, smaller now at grapefruit size, but will still take a couple more

months to totally dissolve and go away. Much lesser bruises go to my knee on

the inner right thigh, up through crotch to outer point towards the back which

are still purple, and up to the sternum, over to and past the left hip joint,

all areas included. Probably 18" high and wide, with an addition

blob about 16" long and about 8 " wide. a realbatick fabric of pinks, purples,

orangey yellows and greenyellows. LOL

It wasn't constipation as twice insisted, following the CT scans. Not blocked

bowel or it wouldn't be sporadic, not tumor, mass doesn't look right, not a

hernia as it's not the right shape, mass type either.

The Dr. said if not considerable changed in one month, she will have a biopsy

taken of it to be sure.

She felt changes in a couple meds would be very beneficial, the down side is the

first week I'm going to feel like crap. the second week not much better, but

maybe I will live and maybe even get better. The third week I should feel like

I'm going to get there and be feeling some hope, etc.

By the 4th week, I should be about normal and feeling better. That is the week

we hit the road for a 5 week auto trip to the west coast.

In all, nothing can change the weather,just my way of living in it. More

dust/pollen masks, more liquids, she wants to have the mamo and paps done, there's another test

too, then run some allergy tests to find out what all I'm allergic

to that's setting off the grungies in the fall and winter too.

Tomorrow I go up to Cary for a bone density test which includes Vitamin D and I

think they said Iron, also.

She said more tests are called for but she doesn't want to scare me away when so

much needs to be looked into,, so we'll save them for later, especailly when

they are of less urgent nature.

All In all I like the new Dr. Pill consumption will go way down and as long as

we can stay down and maybe in a month I'll be over my grumps and grumbles, and

growls, etc. and be a more "normal" human being again. I sure hope so. I get so

tired of all this prednisone crap and results from it, etc.

Love ya all even those who don't chat and share, Please, just take care of you

and when something doesn't seem right, find out about it or find a new Dr. I

didn't do either, and should have 2 years ago.

Big Hugs a commin, more to ya coming..

God Bless, Rita

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Rita, reading your post really makes what I'm going thru seem pretty easy. My DH used to say that for so many years, he took his health for granted but when you no longer have that good health, everything else pales in comparison. You will definately be in my prayers. Hang in there and I'll be praying that you begin feeling better a whole lot quicker than the Dr says you will. Hugs to you too:)

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Rita darlin' ------ We are so glad you share with us. We want to be there for you. I know what prednisone does and what it can do for a person. Once you get off of that you will feel normal. I will be praying for your speedy recovery . Want you to enjoy that trip you have planned.

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Hey, I'm very sensitive to your health issues. Got lots of prayers coming. I wish I could prescribe a miracle for your speedy healing.

However, I'm more interested in what you said about a road trip out WEST???? Does that mean you may be coming back to Oregon????? Does that mean you may get to visit the Russell's BED and BREAKFAST?????

I need all the details you can give me so I can plan accordingly. We're due for a trip to Indiana the end of May/first of June for a couple of weeks. I hope this works for both of us.

I'm thinking that positive thinking will win in the end. Gives you something to look forward to, and bypass all the health issues you have to go through between now and then. Yes, good health is something we all take for granted most of the time. When we lose it, it's the pits.

I'm losing my faith in doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. Bah humbug! Give me alternative/homeopathic any day. I think it's the placebo effect that makes it work. At least you think you're doing something.

Take care and let us know even if you feel like grumbling, we'll listen.:)

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Hi Bonnie--I do know that Rita and Himself are planning to stay with friends in Yelm, Wa--twenty miles from my house!!

I hope Rita's health will allow them to make the trip.

I am planning a big ol' seafood feast when they get here. Dungeness crab, steamed clams, maybe some Olympia oysters if we can find some.

I will post a photo of Rita with butter dripping off her chin from the crab feed!

See if you can persuade her to visit you--if not, y'all come for the feast too!

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Rita, thank you for updating us on your condition. I don't often have time to sign in and post but I always am on the lookout for updates on my sisters when I know they are walking a valley with big boulders. You will be in my prayers and I am so glad that you found someone else to care for you. Please rest and care for yourself and sign in on days when you are needing a hug. we all have lots of them to share.

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You are in my prayers. I am so glad you found a new doctor. You are so right about doing something else if whatever isn't working.

Now, about that West Coast trip.....I think the many of the Moxies would love to meet you. Any chance you are going to be in the Portland/Salem/coast area for even a few hours. A day. Anything?????? I would so love to meet you. I know all of us would. Let us know your road trip schedule so we can sneak in a lunch or something. I know how much you love the coast. I would drive there to meet up for some nice fresh seafood!


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Boy, I have decided these days I am glad I left the carpet in the bedroom, I think my knees would be sore! I hope the big guy upstairs realizes how motivated we all are for everyone!

Rita, just remember changing meds can be tough so make sure if you feel funny you call to make sure it's normal. Great job for getting a second opinion, sometimes I think we are all to scared of offending the first Dr. we just go along with them.

God bless you,


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Oh Rita .......... I am so sorry to hear of this horrid and difficult time. Am so glad you are with a different doctors - some are good, some are wonderful & some just aren't worth much. It can be so hard to know which is which. Drugs are another story - I am finally drug free after 12 years and it feels so good. I hope your reduction of drug intake goes smoothly. Follow the docs orders and decrease as prescribed - too quick can really cause other problems. I will keep you in my thoughts - I know you are a strong person and will hang in there ......... lots of hugs!!!

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Rita, honey

you are so loved by all of us and of course by your heavenly Father. We just all lift our wonderful friend Rita up to you dear Lord, please help her body to detox from all of these overdoses and return her health, strength, and vitaltiy to her. We thank you for bringing a new doctor into her case and getting a better handle on the situation that she now is having to deal with. Please be with Roland as well in being watchful over her for the next weeks as she comes down off these medicines. We thank you in advance for her complete healing in Jesus precious name. Amen

Love you Rita Jeanne

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Adding my prayers to all the others -- we really don't always take time to thank the Lord for all the good things -- but when we hear of someone going through so much, it does remind us of who is in control and who can help --God Bless

Patsy in NE

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