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NQR-prayers needed (hankie alert)

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I have mentioned my dad is not in good health. He saw his kidney doctor yesterday and was told his function was even lower than last month (it was 20% then). Dad didn't want to know the %, he told the doctor he didn't want to come in every 4 weeks till he died. He refused dialysis last month as he doesn't have the energy to go 3 times a week. He knows he is not going to be here longand he's at peace with that. They spoke with Hospice Services this morning and made arrangements to make dad as comfortable as possible. Mom is holding up well at the moment.

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May you and your family have peace in this season of life.

May I offer you my rememberances of my mom's time with kidney failure. She was considering entering a nursing care facility without her dialysis machine. When we asked what she would experience, we were told that she would have very little pain. We took her to the facility on Tuesday, (in January in Minnesota) on Friday I was taking her birthday cake out of the oven when I got the call that she was gone. The doctors wouldn't tell us how long we could expect once the kidneys shut down. For her it was four days. It was also four days with my uncle.

I tell you this to encourage you to spend the time seeing your dad now while you can share together. I missed doing that with Mom thinking we had more time.

Ecclesiatics 3:3-11 has been special to my kids because of those times. May you have time, comfort and peace.

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April- My prayers are with your family during this time. Tell your father everything you've ever wanted him to know. My father died of a massive heartattack 14 years ago he was only 61, so I know all to well the pain of loosing a parent. Savor the time you have and make each and every minute count. God be with you.

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Dear April,

My thougts are with you and your family at this time. Many (((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))) from over the seas to all of you.

Your father has choosen his terms of meeting his maker and seems at peace with his decision, although I can understand that those around him would like to keep him to hold on. Enjoy and celebrate life wilst you still have the chance and enjoy his company whilst he is still with you.

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