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NQR Our New Baby

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Oh my! Emmi is a sweetheart!!! The sleepless nights will be worth it. Like childbirth pain, you will forget..... :D

My next dog is going to be (at least I would LIKE it to be) a mini Schnauzer. A friend has one and I fell in love with him the moment I saw him.

Keep us posted on her progress. She is beautiful!

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What a cutie! I'm sorry about your Jazz. I know what you are talking about with questioning getting a puppy. We got two puppies over the past year and we had to put two of our older dogs done (one 12 and one 3 weeks shy of 15). We also just finished fostering 2 rescue puppies until they were big enough to get adopted. For only being 3 lbs when we got them, they were a lot of work but they now have good permanent families to live with so it was worth it.

Enjoy Emmi!

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Janna I AM so sorry I didn't get to hook up with you while I was home...I would have loved to meet Emmi, she could have played with Wiley my sister's 9 month old schnauzer. She Got Wiley from a breeder in Helena....and a very good puppy for sure, but gotta love those sharp teeth.

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