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Really sad news


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I'm so sorry, I've been thru this , if you find a need, a group called Compassionate Friends has many chapters, I found comfort in listening to other's experiences and frustrations. They had many good ideas for dealing with life....If not, a good friend can be a real help, reach out, people will help if you help them know what you need.

There's no timetable, no directions , no easy way thru grief, but from most people's experiences , it does get better. I really kept myself busy, I needed to sleep at night to be able to face the day with a good plan. I'll be praying for you, feel free to u2u if you need to, take care, Pat

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My heart just sunk when I read your post. Please know that you will be in my prayers. There is nothing that anyone can say to take away the sorrow that you are feeling, but I will be praying that His huge arms will cradle you in your grief. He knows just where you are and how you feel. If there is anything that you need for any of us to do for you, please let us know - just ask and we will do our best to help you. We are one big family here and I know that there were many who helped me thru the illness and death of my DH.

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h Lib.. we too have experienced this and it's not fun. Due to our kids, not our choice, we were sent on a 2 week trip just a couple days after his services... that helped, but for me, what Helped the most was to go thru his things, sort what to keep, off what other we had to friends, and pray pray pray pray, even if it's only, "Help me, God" He does listen.

hugs and many more hugs with all prayers I can offer.


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My heart goes out to you - we lost our grandson two years ago and have walked this journey of grief. Grieving is a necessary and healing part of life, and time does help ease the pain. Just one day at a time. And it's good you're able to quilt, I found it very healing, soothing, and helpful to me. I also found some DVD's by Joyce Meyer helpful, on 'Grief and Loneliness'.

You are in my thoughts and prayers too.


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Oh Lib, Lib, It is with tears in my heart for you, that I send my love, prayers and condolences.

There is just not enough words to let you know what I feel for you.

We lost a Grandson, two years ago and now all three of our children and one of our Granddaughters, have life threating illnesses.

As Madelyn said, let out good, kind and loving Father carry you. Even through we can't understand why these thing happen to us, we know HE will never forsake us.

Our wonderful family here on the forum has given me so much comfort and strenght , I pray that you too will be able to find it, too.

With many hugs.


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Lib, I'm so sorry to hear of the tragic loss of your daughter. Please know we are all praying for you and your family. Do take time for yourself. A broken heart takes time to heal. I pray that you will be able to focus on the wonderful memories you have of her. Take care of yourself. Again, I'm so sorry...

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I AM SO SORRY! I'm sitting here bawling my eyes out! No one can imagine how awful it is to lose a child unless it's happened to them. My bother was killed and my dad committed suicide 5 years later. I cannot begin to imagine how awful it was for my mom; and you too.

My prayers and thoughts are with you!

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Lib, there are no other words other than those that have already been spoken that I can add. Please know that I join in prayers and hugs for you. We can never walk this path of grief alone. He is always there to hold us when we need holding and your friends here are just a part of His arms extended. Just be sure to take the time that you need no matter how long that may be.

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I have been pondering what to say that would be comforting. Maybe there just isn't any comfort in words but knowing that you have so many quilt sisters that are willing to share the pain with you will help. You will be in my prayers , Lib. ((((((((())))))))) hugs to you in this sorrowful time.


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