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I quit:) Wait...I'm supposed to say, "I'm retiring.";) I can't even begin to tell you what stress relif that is and how happy I have become. My current job is the most negative job I've ever had. No one is ever happy and all I've done for the past four years is listen to people whine and complain.

So...now I'm moving on to my happy job: Quilting. I've got a nice base of clients and some ideas on how to get more. I'll get some retirement and I'm taking minutes for four different organizations, so all that will help. I figure, if worse comes to worse, the ponies will just have to get jobs:P

Below is a photo...not sure if Code Enforcement is going to the dogs or if I've already been replaced!!:P:D


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Awesome news and so happy for you Dory! :) I have been starting to look at retiring some day, too. Probably between 55-60, so I've got about 10 years to go.... DH and I have been crunching numbers with our pension, 401K and savings and it looks very possible! We will meet with a financial planner soon to see what we can do and start working the plan!

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Thanks, guys! I am floating; not even minding getting up for work on Mondays anymore! My boss is funny...instead of the "you're fired!" threat, now its "better watch out or I'll make you stay longer." Like he even has that power!!

I'm going to have to be good about planning my time at home though. I want to have plenty of time to ride, quilt and keep my house neat and tidy. And, since I'm going out before my husband, I'm going to even take on some of the outside chores so he will hopefully have some time on weekends to ride with me!

Kay, I'm with you; I much prefer afternoon rides when its warm and nice out.:)

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So it's official!!!:D:D:cool:

I am so happy for you, what a positive step youare taking for yourself.

From what you tell me of Dennis he must support your decision 100%.

And if I know you, you will be quilting for others full time. I know your clientelle has grown and I am sure it will continue to grow. Just remember to pace yourself and take advantage of the slow times because if you don't a busy spell will hit and you will be swamped in no time.

Take care and talk to you soon,


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I was going to wait until I was 55, but I had a bit of a meltdown a few weeks ago and realized that I just couldn't do it. Things are starting to get busy here now because the weather has changed and people are outside and angry with their neighbors...again. I'm so happy to be getting out. If you're interested, my blog has the whole story.

Isn't the new officer cute? Hank was very proud of his badge and I was very happy to hand it over!

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Wow! Lucky you! I did it 5 years ago. So let me warn you. You will never be any happier and the down size is you will never figure it out how you had time for a job. Go figure?

I'm so happy for you. I can see your smile all the way to Florida!!!!


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