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So yesterday I had a customer bring me a 60 x 60 quilt top. She just wants a meander on it, but needs it done before the end of the year. It will be a donation quilt for one of the military organizations, but she wants the tax deduction on this years taxes.

While we were talking she mentioned that she had heard that I was donating my quilting services to the local group of ladies that were making quilts for QoV.

There was an lull in the conversation.....I confirmed that I did but those quilts were worked in around my normal customer quilts, and my own charity quilts.

So here is my question....do I donate my quilting to this quilt? I have 10 more to get done before the end of the year. Do I give her a discount because of where the quilt is going.....since I donate my services to similiar groups locally? She didn't come out and ask me to, but she did float the subject.

Part of me feels a little manipulated, part of me says Deb its for a good cause.

Any words of wisdom? Oh and just so you have the whole story I have done 3 quilts for her this year, 2 have been for the military. Last year I did 2, both for the military.

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She wants to take the donation for the quilt this year. And ... she wants you to do the quilting for free. I don't think so. You donate to the groups and when you want to do them - not the customer. She wants everything. She can't have everything. Remember, you are the boss of your own business. You make the decisions.

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Try this:

"Yes, ma'am, I do donate quilting services to charitable causes. The way I do that is by setting a goal each year of how much time/money/quilts I wish to donate for the year. Then when I'm in a charitable mood, or when business is slow, I call Group XYZ and arrange pickup/dropoff of a quilt, batting, and backing. Unfortunately, I'm not able to donate as much as I'd like, I still have to make an income from this business." (Last sentence optional.)

Batt your eyes, and give her a great big smile.....then quickly change the subject!

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I wouldn't feel guilty about charging her in this case. If she wants it done for nothing, she can contact QOVF, and they will assign a quilter to the project, who will do it for free. The volunteer longarmers decide in advance how many they can or want to do in a given month, and they do those at no charge to the top makers. Of course, it likely wouldn't get done yet this year, so she'd have to decide which is more important to her - getting it done for free or getting the tax deduction this year.

I think you handled it just fine! And thanks for doing so many for the other ladies!

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Ditto ditto ditto!

She is fishing for a donation from you. When you think about it, YOU can't deduct your usual fee from your taxes, but SHE can deduct the cost of materials and the quilting fee from her taxes. Let her do that. Charge her and let her take the deduction!

I have learned that the people who are the most shameless about asking for discounts or donations are usually the ones with the most money! They realized long ago that you won't know until you ask and they aren't shy about asking. :o:P

I also tell people that I donate to my favorite groups and have reached the max for the year. They will respect your answer.

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Clarify tax rules for me, if you charge her now for the service but do not deliver the quilt until 2012, can she take the deduction for 2011? Do you include the $$$ as profit on your 2011 taxes or can you use $$$ instead as a donation yourself? It doesn't sound right if you can use it as a deduction and she can use it as a deduction.

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I guess I never thought about taking any kind of deduction myself. I keep track of the charity quilts I do, but only because I like to see at the end of the year how many total quilts I have completed in the year.

But then again I don't ask for receipts when I donate to Goodwill or DAV or church either.

You all have helped me greatly (along with a post from Shana on another thread). I'm going to charge my customer my actual price, and then I will tell her that if she signs up with the QoV that they will assign her a longarm quilter for future quilts.

Thanks ladies!

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We often say, "Doesn't hurt to ask. The worst they can say is, "No." " If she asked and you are not comfortable, then you say, "No." Often businesses and stores offer additional discounts etc, that they don't publish, so it can't hurt to ask. In this case, YOU donate to charity through your own quilts and your time to finish QoV; so if she chooses to donate to charity, SHE pays your bill and then donates the quilt. A lot of great examples here make it clear that her charity does not have to become your responsibility. And having worked in retail for a looooong time now, I know that the customer is not always right; As a business owner, you have the right to say No when something doesn't work for you. YOUR TIME AND WORK IS VALUABLE!!!

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I had that very thing happen to me!!! What Gaul(sp?) I figured if she liked it so much she should have said, "gee I like this so much I'll be keeping it for myself!!! HOW MUCH DO I OWE YOU? " Nope, it showed up in the quilt show too. Those who knew what she had done were hoping I wouldn't notice. I wish I hadn't too!!! That was my first clue she hadn't donated it!!! Takes all kinds

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I agree, charge her for the quilting. Sounds like she wants free quilting. If you gave-in once, she'll be back with more quilts. Is it still charity if you're just doing it for a "tax deduction", hummmm?

I am a volunteer quilter for our local QOV group. The tops are turned into the chairman and then she passes them out to the volunteer Long Armers. The top donateors "never" get their completed quilt back. The volunteer binders get them after me and then turn them into the committee who boxes up the quilts and sends them to a hospital in Germany. We have completed over 2000 quilts. I don't take any deductions for it because it's my gift to the troops. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it has to be a duck. Stay aware.

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Going thru the official, (not what Connies group is using, which is with QoV approval) may or may not give the quilt piecer the same LA quilter more than once. I have a rarity in that I work with sisters, one in NJ and one in the Virgin Islands.

I just finished the second pair of quilts for them, and hoping I can look forward to more. The quilts are Very nice, and very few accidental issues.

I had piecers from the guild asking me to quilt fore them, and I asked them to apply for a LA person, and request me if they so wished.. that I'd need A receipt from someone, the QoV or the receiver, to be able to get credit for the quilting. Or they would have to pay the going price for batting, and 15% off the quilting, but not for the batting. I've not increased prices yet. I have so few yards left on the old price roll, I just can't see the added book work involved.

Anyway.. recommending them to QoV is the right thing to do, and if you then get the job, fine, if not, then that should be fine too.

As for the liar, I think I'd present a bill to her, and note it is because of her fraud. If nothing else, it would let her know you are wise and won't do any more quilting for her.. (I'd not accept a paying job from her, or community service quilts.)

Good Luck.. and keep that heads-up working.

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I too donate my Longarming services to the local chapter of the home of the brave and quilt of valor, no tax deductions just like Connie, it's my family's gift to the servicemen & some other charitable causes we believe in.

Once in a while people approach me to quilt for a fundraising, which I decline most of the time, I tell them that I reached my max for the year.


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