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Two Question Survey

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Hi all -

I'd love to hear your answers to these questions:

1. do you have an Extended Base of some kind, and do you leave it on all the time?

2. do you look at the underside of the quilt periodically to check tensions? and how do you do that?


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Donna, I do have an extended base and I leave it on all of the time. Since I do alot of ruler work and use templates and stencils I use the base all of the time. I do check under the quilt at times to see how the tension is doing....I just either look under the quilt or I advance it on the rollers and check the tension. Saundra

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1.a. yes

b.no -- rarely use it

2.a. always; every time I move the quilt at all

b. just look on the underside of the frame. Then tug the sides of the quilt slightly, and run your hands lightly over both top & bottom to make sure it is smooth & there are no unseen wrinkles.

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Yes, I have an extended base...no, I do not leave it on all the time. It is only on when I do ruler work.

I guess I don't check as often as I should. I have faith in my machine:) I usually check when I first start out on a quilt. I figure if I haven't played with any of the tension knobs it should be okay. I do check my bobbin on the TOWA gauge when I start a new quilt or change thread weight.


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1) do you have an Extended Base of some kind, and do you leave it on all the time?

Answer: Yes, and I leave it on 24/7 it hasn't been off in over 4 years other than to clean and when I need to time.

2)do you look at the underside of the quilt periodically to check tensions? and how do you do that?

Answer: Every time I roll to the next section and I run my hand underneath every so often..., but I have to admit I trust my machine so if I'm not using a different thread, or haven't had any trouble with tension, I don't look as often as I maybe should... HOW do I look, bend over and even sometimes crawl under and sit...with a light....but mostly by feel of hand or look at the rolled up portion.

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1.) Yes, I have an extended base and I leave it on 24/7

2.) I guess I have faith in my machine, Milli-Sophie, but I do have a habit of looking at the stitches when I roll it and running my hand over them as they come up on the back roller. I guess I am a little strange that way because I like the feel of very nice stitching and no one else is going to pat me on the back so I do it myself:D:D:D:D. Is that strange or what?????:P:P


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1. Yes I have one and use it 24/7...best purchase I made I think

2. I always look when I roll to make sure the backer is all straight and no puckers. Seeing the stitches is touch so I feel to see if they feel right. If all else fails I roll the sandwich to get a close-up view of it. My body just does not cooperate when I try to bend down to see under there!

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1 AND 1 Yes and Yes.

2 Yes.. if himself is around he crawls under, if not I use a makeup mirror we taped to a back scratcher to peek under.. but mostly by feel... doesn't take long to "learn the oh oh" feel, when following a stitching line.


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Yes, I have an expanded base. Since it is kept on using a heavy duty spring, I can remove it when not doing ruler work. On my previous machine, an Ultimate I, I had a Ruler-Mate which replaces the needle plate. It is meant to stay on. I loved the way the Ruler-Mate easily glided under my quilts but didn't like losing those 4 inches of quilting space when it was installed. It's a trade-off.

When I first started my tension was always trouble. I used a hand-mirror to look up at the quilt. I do trust my machine but it doesn't help me remember to re-attach clamps after I roll the quilt. :D Now, I can run my hand under the quilt and tell if my tensoin is good. And I do that at least twice per roll. I hate un-quilting.

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1. do you have an Extended Base of some kind, and do you leave it on all the time?

Yes, I have the Hartley Base and I take it off and put it on, as needed.

I also have a homemade base that looks a little like the Hartley, only it is bigger - works the same way.

2. do you look at the underside of the quilt periodically to check tensions? and how do you do that?

Yes, but it is difficult because I am so tall that my table is set up high...I have bifocals and can't see up close without my glasses....soooo....It doesn't do me any good to lay in the floor, all I see is quilt back...so my tension is always good :D:P

I feel of the bobbin stitches, usually I can tell if they are goofy.

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Guest Linda S

Yes, I have a Ruler Mate and I leave it on all the time

Yes, I check my stitches after each bobbin change. First, on the side of the quilt (just the batting and backing layer), then after I have stitched a bit on the quilt itself. I've tired the mirror and flashlight, but now I just crawl under and look first hand.


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Originally posted by donna

1. do you have an Extended Base of some kind, and do you leave it on all the time?

2. do you look at the underside of the quilt periodically to check tensions? and how do you do that?

Answer to question 1: Yes and No. YES, I have an extended base (Hartley); and NO, I do not leave it on all the time. I leave it on only when doing ruler work. It slides on and off in a split second. When not in use, I take it off and place it tucked away safely on its special little nearby shelf so it doesn't slip fall to the floor and break.

Answer to question 2: Yes. I always check my bobbin tension periodically from the start, middle and end of the quilting project....especially when changing to a new bobbin or a different thread on top. I usually bend down and peek & feel. It's good exercise to move around anyway, so I have no problem doing that. It's a good habit to check tension often and listen for those "funny /odd" sounds your machine might make. If you hear an odd sound, that means it's a warning that something's about to go weird on ya!

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1. Yes I have a Hartley base and I take it on and off as needed for ruler work (mostly SID)

2. Yes I check my stitches on the back with a mirror and an uplight that I have on the floor below my Millie. I blow out the bobbin area frequently, but not after every bobbin unless I start having tension problems - then I'm checking everything all the time. But (knock on wood) I haven't had any tension problems for awhile now and so I'm not really messing with my tension much at all. Maybe just a tweek here or there if the top thread begins to float on top.

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I have a Hartley that I store most of the time. I check the stitching as soon as I begin--from the side--and then as I finish maybe half of a pass--I either crawl under, "feel" the stitches, or if I'm concerned, advance the quilt. I always go to the back of the machine and check the stitching after I advance it. I finally, after about 9 months (knock on wood) have a handle on the tension and it's lovely! Superior thread gets a lot of the credit! I clean and oil between quilts--and sometimes change needles. I blow out the bobbin area with a air pressure thing between bobbins if I'm using a cotton or something that is very linty. I think unless one is very very good--it just takes time to get to know your machine-the sounds--the feel of the stitches etc. But when that moment finally comes (and goes sometimes too) its just wonderful!!

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1. yes, and yes.... although sometimes I take it off... I broke one of the sides off so it's on there with yellow duct tape - so lovely...

2. uh oh, what was 2? (should I refer to the thread from the other day? CRS?)

2. (again) I'm with MB... I have bi-trifocals, so it's darned hard to bend down and then look up to see... I use my hand to check usually. (if I have to get down on the floor, I usually have to crawl over to something sturdy to make the attempt at getting up again. It's just not a pretty sight.) I really watch my tension.

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yes, I got my base with my machine. So far the only technique I actually do well is ruler work so it is on frequently. Although I really hate hitting the side clamps with it. I lose inches of quilting or release the clamps. (maybe I have something adjusted wrong, cause I also hit the front bar with the edge and need to pay close attention when I get near it)

I also like to freehand without the base.

yes, I check my back tension every bobbin, usually before rolling to the next section and when I stop for a break. Probably not enough.

I bend over, although I need a flashlight to see underneath.

hope the answers help


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I'm a newbie so answers are not in stone.....

Have the base but have not used it yet - Hartley - plan to use it and plan to do ruler work.

I am a fanatic about tension so am constantly checking top and bottom - more often than on my DSM. Though I just got my Millie, I was a fanatic while taking pre-machine lessons trying to decide what to do and which machine to buy. I strive to use one color on the back and another on the front with perfect tension - I am a fanatic and why I bought the APQS - best tension on the market as far as I am concerned. I look , feel, and I crawl:o


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I too have an extended base (Hartley) and I use it as needed.

Most of my work is freehand, but When doing ditch work, I use the base.

I check my stitches frequently.

Every other roll or so, I actually lay under my table and look up.

Sounds funny, but I love to see how the quilt is coming together

and it really feels good to stretch out my back.


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I have an extended base and use it for ruler work. It's on about half the time.

I check the tension by looking underneath with the first quilting, then by checking the backing as I roll up with each advance. I use a TOWA guage to double check my bobbin every time I put one in, and I think that helps with consistancy.

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Yes I do have an extended base and I leave it on most of the time. I do take it off if I am doing something "fine", such as a tiny stipple.....and yes I do check the underneath for tension problems. I have a little 5 X 4 magnifying mirror that I leave on my table at all times. It works just great for me.


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