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No comments please, I'm just practicing. :cool: I'm stuck on what to do in the background. I've used a lot of Darlene Epps's little meanderings and fills, but now I have to decide what color thread and design to fool the eye for depth in the background. I thought about pairs of vertical lines with a small motif to look like wallpaper, and some horizontal lines to create the look of a wall and floor, much like my dog quilt.

Anyone have another idea?:o

This is handguided, and my eyes are so tired. I have to make myself blink or else I get dry eyes.:P

It isn't exactly neon pink and green, but it will do on this one.





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Oh how Fun!! (no ideas though, sorry)

I love the little paw prints on the attic windows quilt, and your walls are awesome!! Are the more photos of that quilt someplace? Love how you added the windows on the walls - cool!!! :cool:

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That is so cute! I like the idea for walls behind and floor below. What about a hoizontal line "behind" the cat to look like wainscoting? With a wallpaper design above the line I think that would fool the eye. Balance out with the floor design about half of the background, then a blank section or. Maybe a beadboard vertical design less than half of the area above that, and section with the horizontal chair rail, and the wall paper design above that. It would give it depth. The larger section of floor area would make the wall recede in the background and the large cat would look really close to you.

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I posted a story about this quilt on my blog. It was last year, 2008 if you want to hunt for it. I'm sort of new to blogging. Here is a slide show you can watch that has a picture of each element in the quilt. Somewhere I have a whole picture but can't find it right now. Thanks for the compliments and ideas. I'm working on the wall idea, just trying to get the perspective just right. You guys are the greatest.:DThe slide show wants to pan to the left so most of what you see in the yellow wall. Click on it and go the the webshots album and you can get closer.http://p.webshots.com/flash/smallslideshow.swf" flashvars="playList=http%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.webshots.com%2Fslideshow%2Fmeta%2F571811663GiFZKw%3Finline%3Dtrue&inlineUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.webshots.com%2FinlinePhoto%3FalbumId%3D571811663%26src%3Ds%26referPage%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fhome-and-garden.webshots.com%2Fslideshow%2F571811663GiFZKw&postRollContent=http%3A%2F%2Fp.webshots.com%2Fflash%2Fws_postroll.swf&shareUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fhome-and-garden.webshots.com%2Fslideshow%2F571811663GiFZKw&audio=on&audioVolume=33&autoPlay=false&transitionSpeed=5&startIndex=0&panzoom=on&deployed=true" menu="false" quality="best" width="425" height="384" name="WebshotsSlideshowPlayer"base="http%3A%2F%2Fp.webshots.com%2Fflash%2F" wmode="opaque" allowScriptAccess="always" loop="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.macromedia.com%2Fgo%2Fgetflashplayer">

Tale of a Dog

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Thanks to all for your compliments and suggestions. I had to put it away for a couple of days, but I'm still working on the background plans. More to come next week.

Cheryll, thank you for that compliment. I think my quilting on this piece is clumsy. :P

I would love to see what some of the more expert quilters from this site would do. I have Karen MCT book and tried to look at the pictures and do her "fur" or "hair curls". It's pretty tough to do when it's this small.

Keep PPP and someday you can be as clumsy as me.:D

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