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Let me introduce myself

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My real name is Penny Streeter. My husband, of 28 years, and I live in Northeastern PA. We have 4 lovely children who are almost all grown, the youngest is in 10th grade. The oldest, or son, teaches 3 grade, we have a daughter who is an ER trama nurse and one in college working towards her RNBSN.

In 1998 I bought my first Long arm, a Gammill and it was replaced in 2002 by an APQS Ult II. LOL My husand and I drove all the way to Maine, from PA to pick up the machine. We made the trip in two days. LOL I think that is also about the time I first started posting on the form. That is when I first met Bonnie, and a few others.

In 2004 at the young age of 43 I had a stroke, should explaine some of my spelling errors, and fell out of sight. The stroke left me very weak on the left side and unable to talk. I fell into a deep depression. Every thing had changed and life as I had known it was gone. I couldnt cut with a rotary cutter or use the long arm anymore. So, everything was sold. Out of sight out of mind, so we figured.

Three years ago a quilting friend of mine was teaching a class and invited me to come along just for fun. It was a class for beginners and she figured I might be helpful in some way or another. There was a student, a bit older then i was, in this class that had also had a stroke. We got to talking, yes by this time i was able to talk again, and she shared ways that she had come up with to help her recover and sew. I went home that afternoon and dusted off the FW and started her up. LOL It wasn't pretty, but within a week I had made a quilt.

That brings me to 2009. I no longer have any signs of ever having a stroke, except for the spelling and we are working on that. The strength has returned to my left size and I am sewing like a mad women. LOL I have 37 tops sitting here waiting to become quilts, with two more almost ready to add to the pile. I am in the process of becoming an NQA certified instructor and living life to it's fullest. In a few days, I will have a huge announcement to share with the list. But, until they you will have to keep guessing.

Thank you all for the kind welcomes. I almost feel as if I had never left.

I really look forward to getting to know you.

Peaceful Piecing,


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You are truly an inspiration to all of us who sometimes feel challenged or overwhelmed. Thank you for sharing your story of challenge, growth and change. Very appropriate in the current times! So very glad to see that you have returned to APQS machines. I look forward to your announcement. Don't keep us waiting too long!!

Vickie Oliver

Beachside Quilter


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Your story is incredible - you should sell it to a quilting magazine - overcoming such a personal tragedy - and your friend is a saint! Sounds like you have a great family too - keep us posted!

Thanks for sharing as a stroke has always been a fear in the back of my mind (high blood pressure, weight issue . . .) and/or arthritis limiting me from sewing and quilting (the things I LOVE to do)

Best wishes . . .

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I haven't been chiming in for a while...but today I just had to speak up- you all know me ;)


What a trial you have been through, and it sounds as if you are coming through it stronger than ever. Some of us going through tough times can gain strength and power from your story. Thank you so much for sharing.

Can we start guessing your secret??? Please, oh please??? (You should see me at Christmas).

You are going to be an APQS Rep! That's all I got. Can't wait to see what you have to tell us.

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Hi Penny,

Such a great blessing to read your story and it gives hope to so many people who are struggling with health challenges. 37 quilt tops in 3 years, that is unbelievable! I always say that God meets us when we take that step of faith and begin to do what we couldn't do.

Your story gives encouragement and hope, keep sharing it! You made my day today!


p.s. You aren't by any chance getting a longarm are you???

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What a wonderful outcome to such a bad situation you found yourself in. I am so happy that you shared your story and that you have overcome your stroke so completely!! God is indeed very good to us, I pray that he will continue to bless you abundantly, perhaps with a long arm of some kind. You have alot of quilts to get caught up on. Enjoy the process. Thanks for coming back and bringing so much hope to all of us who may struggled with some kind of adversities!!

I am a firm believer in the power of determination to overcome most anything. I have a son who struggles with the same type of thing that you did. He did not have a stroke but had child apraxia, which doctors told me was equivalent to someone who had a stroke and had to learn to speak all over again. Although he was a baby and didnt speak at all, his journey was a long haul of speech therapy and resource classes in school. Through sheer determination and the power of the Lord my son has succeeded at everything he ever set his mind to. He became a black belt in Karate at the age of 16 and once he graduated from high school ( no simple feat there) he took and re-took the military tests until he passed high enough to get into the army, and then pursued Special Forces. He had to take many tests and get tutors and even had to learn French and pass that test beore making Special Forces, a process of elimination over about a 2 year period. He perservered through it all and is now getting ready to be a Special Forces instructor. The only thing that can deter him or anyone is giving up without a fight!!Sorry to go on about this but this story struck a very personal vein in me, I had to share as well. I am sure your family is as proud of you as I am of my son!!

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Thanks for sharing your encouraging stories! We have no idea what someone may be going through and it reminds me to be patient and appreciative of all God has given me! I love your enthusiastic spirit and can't wait to find out what your news is....! Congratulations and welcome back!

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Penny, you truly are an inspiration and I'm sure you will continue to be. I hope your news is that you are getting Bonnie's machine or some other machine. It seems like you are more than ready.

About the spelling, I can't spell either. I have an automatic spell checker turned on so when a word is misspelled it gets underlined in red. Right click the word and the computer gives me the correct spelling.

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Thank you for sharing your story. You are an inspiration to us and really make us appreciate the Blessings we do have. Also, you make us want to work harder to overcome obstacles when they do get in our way! I am sharing your story with my sister-in-law who suffered a stroke 3 yrs. ago at age 47 yrs. I hope by sharing this with her, she will yet be encouraged to start creating a new life for herself. So Thanks again for sharing. Also, will be waiting to hear your mystery.....

Suzie W.

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My Mom too had a stroke that left her paralyzed and speechless. She didn't even know me or my kids for 2-3 months after. It broke my heart.

She has now recovered somewhat. She knows me and can talk..most days. She can walk too. It's amazing what determination and will power and physical therapy can do for a person.

You are truly an inspiration to me to hear your story. Thank you. (I too am crying)

I hope that you are getting Bonnie's UltII and will share pictures of your quilts. :)

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