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NQR - Wendy has passed.

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I am so sad to say this, but my dear friend Wendy has gone home to her Lord. She is no longer in any pain, she doesn't have to use a scooter to get around, and she is so happy.

Thank you all for your support, your prayers and your good thoughts. This is going to be a difficult time for those of us left behind, but we know that she's watching over us.

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I am so sorry. I know this is such a difficult time for you, even when you know someone is ill, it doesn't make their passing any easier. Thank you for introducing me to Wendy when I was there, I could see what a special friendship you had. If you need me, you have my number...I'm here for you.

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Beth as hard as this is for those left behind be comforted by her new life with her Lord and Savior where all pain and suffering and every tear is whiped away. I lost a very dear friend a few years ago and know the empty spot left in my life, but it does get easier and just knowing that she is happy and you will see her again one day helps to get through this time. May the Lord lift and comfort you at this time. Love and Prayers!

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Beth - I'm so sorry to hear of Wendy's passing and for those left behind, just knowing that she is no longer in pain and in the presence of the Lord is a comfort. Her place in your life is empty because she is physically not there, but she is still in your memories and when you are missing her, think on all the good times that you two have shared. I'm near by and would be glad to help in anyway that I can. Hugs to you my friend.:)

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