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More Reasons to Love This Forum

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When Elmer was diagnosed in May the main tumor on his adrenal gland was huge....the size of a soccer ball. The cancer had spread to his lymph nodes, his liver, his kidney, he had over 100 small nodules in each lung and a tumor had infiltrated the artery that carries blood from the legs to the heart. The doctors didn't want to do any surgery because they felt like it would be wrong to put him through such major surgery since he wouldn't live long anyway.

Very few doctors will ever see a case during their entire career. Only 30% of adrenal cortical carcinoma patients respond to treatment. This cancer is so rare that only around 400 people a year even get it. That meant only about 120 a year will respond. The chance of responding to treatment goes down with each stage. Elmer was considered to be in stage 4...the final stage. Most patients are much younger than him. It strikes more women than men and seldom anyone over 50. Elmer is 61. Most patients that do have it can only tolerate the agressive treatments for about 3 months and then have to take 3 months off to get back on their feet.

His new scans show the original tumor is about 50% smaller......ALL of the nodules are gone in his lungs (looks like teeny pin points} and he has started his 5th round of chemo. They are considering surgery in a few months to remove the kidney, lymph nodes, adrenal gland, part of his liver and the super tricky tumor in the vena cava. It could give us 2 or 3 good years instead of the months we had been looking at.

The reason I am going into such detail is so you understand the unbelievable odds that this could be going in this direction. When Dr Hahn came in the room yesterday he was grinning from ear to ear. He is one of the VERY few doctors to work with this type of cancer and he was shocked at the scans.

I honestly feel we owe it to prayer. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for praying when I couldn't. Thank you for having your churches pray for him. APQS involves people from around the world and he had prayers from people everywhere. I have asked for only 1 thing from the start of this......just give us a little more time. It is starting to look as though that may be within reach.

Some of you may remember when I hit rock bottom not long ago. All of you were there for me and let me unload my burdens. Something very unusual happened during that time though.

There just aren't any machine quilters in my area and since I am not from here I really don't know many people. I haven't really had anyone outside of family to make friends with here. During that very rough patch I was having a newbie got on the forum to read and learn. Her husband had died less than a year before and she had bought a new APQS machine to help keep her busy. While reading she noticed that I lived in Scottsburg IN. She lives less than 10 miles from me!!!!!!! She contacted me and we have become great friends. She makes us cinnamon rolls and I loan her boards. We have coffee and talk. Elmer craves her cinnamon rolls and is so happy that I have made a new friend!!! Her name is Barb but she is Fastquilts on here.

Does God work in mysterious ways to see to our needs or what? This forum has been somewhat of a lifeline for me. Even when I was too depressed to post I could still read it.

Thank you........God has answered the prayers that you sent up for Elmer and I in more ways than you can ever know. We are blessed to have your support.

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Cheri - What good news for you and when my hubby was going through all of his health issues, this APQS forum was my sanity many times. This truely a very special group of people and I also believe that the prayer warriors that are on here are amazing men & women. I'm so glad that you are going to have more time.....Enjoy every min and live life to the fullest that you can.

In His hand


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Cheri...i too understand the power of prayer..and the support of this fabulous group of friends. Having 2 of my children get so sick...and needing prayers, this was the place to come.

I am so thankful that elmer and you are looking at more time together. Truly a blessing from our Lord! Prayers continue for both of you my sweet friend!

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I was just praying for you both yesterday as I quilted and was wondering what was happening with Elmer. I am so glad that Elmer is betting the odds. You both deserve more years together. I will continue to pray that God will give you peace and more time together. Keep us posted. Our God is an AWSOME GOD!!!!! :rolleyes:;):rolleyes::)

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Cheri, I am so happy to hear the great news about Elmer and that he is doing so well. We all have so much to be thankful for. You make such a cute couple and your love just shines. I pray the treatments continue to work. They are making so much progress in treatments for cancer and given more time may allow for advanced treatment and you two will have many happy years together. I will continue to pray for you and Elmer.

I am so glad you found a new friend. What a blessing. It is wonderful to have a dear friend close by to help you through troubled times. Keep those cinnomon rolls coming for Elmer.

Thanks for sharing with us. We are all here for the both of you. Lots of love and hope coming your way.

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We are all so blessed to have this Forum. I know many a time it has helped me through some tough times! I'm hoping we both have much better next years in our future but no matter what I know I have friends to help me through! I'm so glad that you connected with somebody so close by! God does work in mysterious ways that is for sure!

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Cheri, so glad to hear Elmer is going from strength to strength. This forum is an amazing place for support, and we all appreciate the network of like minded friends that it provides, when times get tough. My thoughts are continually with you as Elmer continues to improve and it's wonderful you have a friend (forum family as well!) so close to you now to offer additional support.:)

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I feel God did bring us together and I am so thankful for your friendship and Elmer's too. You two are awsome people and I am so thankful for you. As for the cinnamon rolls, that is a very small thing that I can do for you. I sure do enjoy our talks over coffee. Will be bringing some rolls soon.

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Cheri girl, I was so happy to get up this a.m. and read your post!

Yes, we are all blessings to each other on this fantastic forum! We are BLESSED beyond belief to have each other!

Continued prayers for you both!

GOD works in mysterious ways, sometimes we dont know why or how...and just "sometimes" we get to find out

just what his miraculous gifts he gives us, are!

Quilted Hugs to you and Elmer!

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Cheri - thank you for sharing your story. I have tears in my eyes and my heart rejoices at your good news. I agree this forum is wonderful and the emotional support that we get here is like no other. My family always marvel when I talk about y'all and share your stories and prayer requests. I am often very quiet here on the forum but I am trying to come out of my shell. The support here is phenomenal. Please know you and Elmer will continue to be in my heart and prayer requests.

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