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Kinda mad at myself ~ and it's my own darned fault...

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Well, a fellow guild member gave me a custom quilt a few weeks ago. I finished for her. It was lap size and I think it was around $120. It turned out really pretty.

So she give me another quilt this week. It's larger (queen) and wanted a e2e meander done on it. Ok so I quilt this one for her this weekend and tell her the bill is $95.00. (I charged her 1 penny PSI) She says "yikes that's costing a little more than I thought it would be..." and she's sounding a little uncomfortable on the phone and then she says... "Well, I'll have to break the news to my husband so I can write the check." She tells me she is driving (80 miles) to pick it up the next day (Sunday)

So, we hang up. And I am thinking about it and I am feeling bad, kind of guilty about charging her so much. So, I go to my blank gift certificates and I write out a gift certificate to her for $50.00. When she shows up, I give her the gift certificate and tell her she can use it on this quilt if she wants to. Of course, she is flattered and says thank you and is happy. And she writes out the check using the $50.00 gift certificate to discount the bill.

So as she's walking out the door, happy with her quilt, she's telling me she's off now going to take her husband and son to the chinese restaurant for lunch....

...And I'm thinking to myself... Gosh, she don't batt an eye at throwing down the money for gas to get there, then to enjoy Chinese lunch with the family, but she feels awkward breaking the news to husband that the quilt services cost $95.00.

Costs for the gas to travel here, and then Chinese restaurant lunch with the family... Not a biggie.

But... Having to pay for the quilt I just did for her? That's a different story.

Sorry just had to vent.

Some how I felt a little used and abused but I did it to myself. Not gonna do it any more.

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Gosh, I would think $90 for a queen size quilt is a good deal. You were awfully kind to give her a $50 gift certificate. Maybe a $15 g/c would have been better. But know that you did a nice thing for someone today, which I'm sure made her day. Just don't do it again so big LOL!! :P:P

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so sorry shana. i was thinking that 1 penny psi was a steal of a deal.

i just did a quilt for a friend...lots of outlining around applique (like the entire border of a king size quilt) and beadboard edge...with loopy meander inside...for 1 penny psi. I just couldn't bring myself to stitch over her applique. she certainly didn't complain...and i got a $6 tip.

yes...and people are funny to blow a lot of money on eating out!

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Well you are just a softie! It is amazing when you hear somebody complain about the cost. I won't do anything for penny psi. Just don't have the time or desire to do it. If I had to bring in lots of quilts then I may consider it but I don't. If I'm going to quilt that cheap I'll quilt for charity or myself. Sorry you are feeling burned and mad at yourself. Write yourself a note and put it in with your gift certificates. It should read: Are you being a sucker? LOL it might make you think before you act :D.

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Guest Linda S

Shana - you have been taken for a ride because of your kind heart. She drove 80 miles to pick up that quilt? How much did that cost her in gas? You could have mailed it to her Priority for about $11. If money's so tight, she shouldn't be doing all that traveling with the cost of gas, and she shouldn't be taking the family out to lunch. It's not up to you to make her hobby affordable!! ;)

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It always seems the ones who can afford it the most are also the ones who complain about the cost the most..........on everything ! I suppose that's how they end up with all their money.........they won't give it up ! haha

I had a gal call me before Thanksgiving asking if I quilted for others. I don't do this as a business and always a little hesitant about who these people are unless I know they have been referred to me by someone I trust. Anyway, this gal went on and on and the more she talked about what she wanted, the more I didn't really want to do it. I shot her a price (on the high end) and told her that was just an estimate and I would not give her a final figure until I actually saw the quilt and we decided exactly what she wanted. I sent her some info with my price list and told her to contact me after Thanksgiving if she was still interested. It also sounded like she wanted it done sooner than later. I am really hoping she decided to call someone else. ;)

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You are such a sweetheart, Shana! We love you for your generosity and caring heart. When I read about her having to "ask" her hubby for the money, perhaps he keeps a tight rein on the cash flow and she wasn't being cheap--she just didn't want to have a confrontation or have to beg her husband for money. Let's decide that was the case so we can all feel sorry for her and her constricted life. There--I feel better!:P;):P

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It is difficult not to cave when listening to a customer fret about cost. I priced 4 quilts last week for a customer at a price I thought was fair and she just about fainted. I did not bat an eye, but inside was sweating and checking my math in my head. She decided to go for it and I am so glad I did not budge. I have more work than time, if my price is too high, it should be no skin off my nose....notice I said should....always harder to do than to talk about here....

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Yep, I'm with all of you. Shana you are a softy, in a good way. I got $250.00 for my last queen e2e. We quilters have hearts of gold and love our skills and the look in the customers eyes when they see their quilts for the first time.

Dont' kick yourself Shana, I believe in karma, dejvu and fate even if I can't spell them. Good things will come to you and well you know what will come to the lady who took advantage of you. Love you, Shana.:cool::cool::cool:

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And I thought I was a softie. You take the prize with your sweetness and generosity. I'm he cheapest one around here and do lots more on people's quilts than all the other longarmers because I used to have to pinch pennies till they squeeked. I keep seeing it from the eyes of one who has been there. Although I haven't been there with a Mercedes or eating out at nice restaurants. Though you feel taken, feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing you have such a good heart and tender spirit. In the end, that's what counts.

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Sometimes you just want to kick yourself. I did a whole bunch of custom piecing and quilting for a relative and didn't charge them for all the hours. After I had finished several, I called the tell them the quilts were ready for pick up. In fact I called and emailed several times to no response. Finally after three months, I sent the nasty-gram to tell her if she didn't contact me, I was going to give them to charity. Nows she is driving around in a Caddy. Kick me again!

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I've been trying to boost up my confidence in my prices lately by looking at how much everything else is going up in price. I just paid $45 for 2 packs of men's underwear on Monday! I think people must understand that quilting prices are not expensive compared to that! I'm sorry to hear that that woman took advantage of you, Shanna.

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You mush - but that's what makes you so special and wonderful. When I get a reaction from some quilters at what I'm charging I might discount a little. From $.04 psi to $.0375 for some custom work. But.......then I find out, one is a doctor, another has a hubby who's a doctor, etc. I think the reaction I'm picking up is that I'm not charging more and then go and charge even less.

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Uh, Shana, I have this king quilt that I thought you could do for me. Let me see, I'll have to spend a chunk to drive from Oregon to your house, so could I maybe get a discount for the quilting? Just how much of a softie are you? :D

Think of it as a paying forward for something someone once did for you...and learn from it. I'm sorry you got the short end of that deal. I have a similar situation currently and I was feeling like offering a reduced rate, but I'm sticking to my guns and waiting it out. :o

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