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industrial accident

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I have come very close...but somehow it didn't happen. It hurts bad enough and scares the heck out of you just to have the hopping foot touch your finder when it is going a thousand miles per hour....I cannot imagine sewing over my finger. My mom worked in a garment factory and it happened there all the time. Ouch!! Hope you are better soon.

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once with the Viking, beside the nail to the finger pad.. didn't hurt hardly at all, at any time.. Still don't know how it happened. When I was a kid, I had a needle from the sewing machine hit the bone and I couldn't get it out. Rode my bike to the fire dept. several miles, to have it pulled out. should have stopped at diff neighbors after the first couple weren't home, I just gave up. that one hurt.

Hope it doesnt hurt for long.. and that you are ok.


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Haven't done that but have come close! I have sliced a thin slice off a finger with the rotary cutter and that hurt for a long time.

Before the LA I worked in a hatchery vaccinating the chicks ( or vaccinating cocks, as I like to say!!! ) and did end up vaccinating my self a number of times, and that hurt too.

My friend sewed into her finger with her DSM...she said she had to stay calm so she wouldn't frighten her young daughter, and that the worst was having to draw the needle back up out of the finger, ew!

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Did you get any blood on the quilt, ok nothing funny about this, but if it was me I would have said a few naughty words that I learned in the Navy and the quilt would be my first thought. I hope you're ok and didn't suffer much pain. I agree with everyone when I touch the hopping foot my heart skips a beat.

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Robin - I can totally relate to your pain and I am feeling for you. It does hurt!!!!! It hurts bad.

A couple of years ago I was adjusting a thread on my short arm and accidently hit the needle down button, it went all the way through about a 1/4 inch from the end of my finger. In a knee jerk reaction to the shock of hitting the button, I ripped my hand away to try to move it before impact. It ripped the needle all the way through the end of my finger. It not only gushed blood but severed some nerves. To this day if I hit the scar it hurts. I am very careful these days. It was my very first quilt I was working on and I managed not to get even a drop of blood on it.. It did make a mess of the carpet though.

I hope you are healing up nicely and the pain is gone.

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Yep!! In high school....in home ec class ( I know, you young ones don't even know what that is:D) I was mending the American flag that hung out in front of our school. Sewed myself right to it!!! Had to go to the hospital to get it out and a tetnis shot. How patriotic is THAT!!!!:P (wonder what they thought when I walked into the emergency room with the flag?):P:P linda

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owie is right I did that many many years ago on my domestic machine then I panicked and hit the foot and the needle went through more and better yet stupid me took the foot off trying to sew a really thick piece of wool!.. so it was able to go all the way through the finger nail and all! I cringe thinking about it! just make sure your tentnous is up to date.

heal fast!

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When I was little - 5 or 6 I sewed 2 of my fingers on my little machine. Mom was mad because it took awhile to get me all patched up and the tears dry - but she was the one who gave me a machine that should really have been for someone older & maybe ..... just maybe... I should have had some supervision LOL. So long ago, I don't remember how much it hurt - but am sure it did a lot. Remain careful to this day!!!

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I cut thru part of my index finger with a rotary cutter a couple of years ago. What a dork. I don't think I have ever moved that fast. I stuck my finger in my mouth to keep it off my fabric. DH and I rushed to the kitchen to see. I take blood thinners so we wanted to stop the bleeding as fast as possible. Lots of pressure and paper towels later, it finally stopped. I put a big bandage on it and went to bed. I know, I should have gone to ER, but I just told you I am a dork.

The very best time to go to ER has got to be 5 AM. We got ready for work and DH dropped me off at the Navy Hosp ER. 9 stitches and some lecturing from the doctor, I went to work. It cut right into the nail bed, missed my bone by millimeters. It really only hurt when I banged it. But there was some minor nerve damage.

I think that the real damage from these types of accidents is to your confidence. It shakes you up. For months, I was overly-cautious when using the roatry cutter. I was afraid that I would do it again. It takes a while to build up your confidence and level of comfort with the thing that hurt you so bad. But you just have to get over it and move on. Yeah, easier said than done. ;)

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Oh my, weak knees are beginning to buckle, head spinning, and I'm just thinking about it. Thank God, no I haven't had that experience, but I'm also a wuss to the max. Can you say fear!!! I'm the same way around power tools. My imagionation gets the best of me and I can picture the whole bad scenario and I'm still 6 " away from the needle. Ok, I'm going back to my comfort zone and not think about this any more.

Robin, I sure hope that you are OK:cool:

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I heard about a gal that sewed her finger in and she didn't have the screw driver to get the needle out of her machine and it was stuck in her finger, she only by chance had her phone in her back pocket. So she called 911 and had to talk the policeman thru where her hide a key was to get him in the house.

Made me start thinking about what actually needs to be in my apron, stuck to my machine or what. I havent fully figured out what it is going to be. I think I am going to us e an apron that way I will always have the phone and the screwdriver with me.

I did actually sew thru my finger at a sewing store during a demonstration of a stitch regulator. I was so embarassed that I hid my finger finished up listening and then told the salesman I had to leave to get my kids. Came back next day with a bandaid and bought the machine.



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Hey, Brendalee! I hadn't connected "sewingjunky" with the lively lady I met for the first time 10 days ago. Glad you're recuperating well, according to Nancy Jo.

I'm sending my confetti quilt (yuck!:() over to you via Nancy Jo this weekend - don't let her hide it from ya!

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Not only have I sewn my finger to the machine, also sliced the tip of my index finger off with a rotary cutter. All I was concerned about was the blood (cleaning it out of the quilt/fabric. I loosened the needle and removed it in my finger nail and then took care of the problem.

Ginny snowden

My claim to fame is the glue in the bobbin case.

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